मानिसहरु पैसा कमाउन जे जस्तो गर्न पनि अघि सर्छन् । शुभचिन्तकहरुले हतार नगर है भनेर दिएको सल्लाह उनिहरुलाई पच्दैन । स्वभाविकरुपमा धन कमाउने बाटो छोडेर चाँडै धनी बन्ने शर्ट कट बाटो खोज्दा अमरिकाको फ्लोरिडाका तस्बीरमा देखिएका आमा छोरी जस्तै कसैलाई जेलको हावा खान नपरोस् ।
फ्लोरिडाका ४३ वर्षिया रोमोना रामोतर र २४ वर्षिया उनकी छोरी डैनिएला सिनानान देह व्यापारको पेशामा थिए । उनिहरुलाई यत्तिमै सन्तोष भएन । जसरीपनि उनिहरुलाई चाँडै धेरै धन कमाउनु थियो । कसरी बढी भन्दा बढी ग्राहकहरुलाई आकर्षित गर्ने भन्ने उनिहरुले नयाँ स्किम निकाले । त्यो स्किम थियो टू फर वन ! यस स्किममा आमालाई सेक्स गर्नेले छोरीलाई सित्तैमा सेक्स गर्न पाउने अफर दिईएको थियो । ती आमा छोरीले यस स्किमको प्रचारका लागि एक अनलाइनमा “rock your world” with “2-for-1 specials”. लेखेर एक विज्ञापनपनि छपाए ।
प्रहरीले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार यो विज्ञापन पछी उनको फ्लोरिडा स्थित Boynton Beach apartment मा मानिसहरुको आवत जावत बढन थाल्यो ।
केहि दिन अघिदेखी उनिहरुको बारेमा छानविन गरिरहेको प्रहरीले उनिहरुले समाजमा अवैध यौन धन्दालाई बढाएको आशंकामा विज्ञापनमा दिईएको फोनमा सम्पर्क गरी उनिहरुसंग समय मिलाए ।
विज्ञापन जैसमीन र ऐंजल को नामबाट प्रकाशित गरिएको थियो । पुलिस अधिकारीले उनिहरुसंग कुराकानी गरेर १६० डलरमा कुरा मिलाए ।
ती पुलिस आमा छोरीको कोठामा पुगेपछी १५० डलर दिए अनि तल गाडीबाट अरु पैसा लिएर आउछु भन्दै बाहिर निस्केर अरु पुलिसलाई पठाएर वेश्यावृत्तीलाई प्रश्रय दिएको आरोपमा गिरफतार गरे । यो जुलाई २५ तारीखको कुरा हो ।
ती आमा छोरी लागु औषधिको दुब्र्यसनमा लागेकाले उनिहरुले पैसा कमाउन यो स्किम बनाएको पुलिसको अनुमान छ । पुलिसका अनुसार उनिहरुको कोठामा लागु औषधि प्रयोग गर्ने सिरिन्ज समेत बरामद गरिएको छ ।
प्रहरीले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार यो विज्ञापन पछी उनको फ्लोरिडा स्थित Boynton Beach apartment मा मानिसहरुको आवत जावत बढन थाल्यो ।
केहि दिन अघिदेखी उनिहरुको बारेमा छानविन गरिरहेको प्रहरीले उनिहरुले समाजमा अवैध यौन धन्दालाई बढाएको आशंकामा विज्ञापनमा दिईएको फोनमा सम्पर्क गरी उनिहरुसंग समय मिलाए ।
विज्ञापन जैसमीन र ऐंजल को नामबाट प्रकाशित गरिएको थियो । पुलिस अधिकारीले उनिहरुसंग कुराकानी गरेर १६० डलरमा कुरा मिलाए ।
ती पुलिस आमा छोरीको कोठामा पुगेपछी १५० डलर दिए अनि तल गाडीबाट अरु पैसा लिएर आउछु भन्दै बाहिर निस्केर अरु पुलिसलाई पठाएर वेश्यावृत्तीलाई प्रश्रय दिएको आरोपमा गिरफतार गरे । यो जुलाई २५ तारीखको कुरा हो ।
ती आमा छोरी लागु औषधिको दुब्र्यसनमा लागेकाले उनिहरुले पैसा कमाउन यो स्किम बनाएको पुलिसको अनुमान छ । पुलिसका अनुसार उनिहरुको कोठामा लागु औषधि प्रयोग गर्ने सिरिन्ज समेत बरामद गरिएको छ ।
भारतको उत्तर प्रदेशको इलाहावाद जिल्लामा आफ्नै श्रीमतिको भिडियो बनाएको आरोपमा प्रहरीले एक जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको छ।
घटना इलाहावादको कर्नलगञ्ज क्षेत्रमा भएको हो । सो क्षेत्रमा ३० वर्षिय विवेक मिश्राले आफ्नी २८ वर्षिया श्रमितिको ब्लु भिडियो बनाएर इन्टरनेटमा राखेका थिए । मिश्राले इन्टरनेटमा आफ्नी श्रीमतिको मोबाइल नम्बर समेत राखेका थिए ।
जिल्ला प्रहरी अधिकारी अवधेशकुमारका अनुसार उनकै श्रीमतिको उजुरीमा मिश्रालाई पक्राउ गरिएको हो । इन्टरनेटमा राखिएको फोन नम्बरका कारण धेरैतिरबाट फोन आएपछि घटनाबारे पीडित महिलाले जानकरी पाएकी थिइन्। इन्टरनेटमा आफ्नो अश्लील ब्लु भिडियो हेरेपछि उनी सिधै प्रहरी कार्यालय पुगेकी थिइन्।
पीडित महिलाकाअनुसार ६ वर्षअघि उनीहरुको विवाह भएको थियो। तर गत वर्ष श्रीमानले अर्की युवतीसंग रहेको सम्बन्धका कारण विवाद उत्पन्न भएको थियो।
पीडित पक्षको आरोपअनुसार विवेकले लगातार सम्बन्धविच्छेदका लागि दबाव दिइरहेका थिए । सोही क्रममा अश्लील ब्लु भिडियो प्रकरण सार्वजनिक भएको हो । पीडित महिला विगत दुई महिनादेखि माइत बस्दै आएकी छन्। घटनाबारे प्रहरीले छानविन गरिरहेको जनाएको छ|भिडियो अलि सेक्सी भएकाले तलको बिज्ञापन भित्र छ हेर्नुहोला |
घटना इलाहावादको कर्नलगञ्ज क्षेत्रमा भएको हो । सो क्षेत्रमा ३० वर्षिय विवेक मिश्राले आफ्नी २८ वर्षिया श्रमितिको ब्लु भिडियो बनाएर इन्टरनेटमा राखेका थिए । मिश्राले इन्टरनेटमा आफ्नी श्रीमतिको मोबाइल नम्बर समेत राखेका थिए ।
जिल्ला प्रहरी अधिकारी अवधेशकुमारका अनुसार उनकै श्रीमतिको उजुरीमा मिश्रालाई पक्राउ गरिएको हो । इन्टरनेटमा राखिएको फोन नम्बरका कारण धेरैतिरबाट फोन आएपछि घटनाबारे पीडित महिलाले जानकरी पाएकी थिइन्। इन्टरनेटमा आफ्नो अश्लील ब्लु भिडियो हेरेपछि उनी सिधै प्रहरी कार्यालय पुगेकी थिइन्।
पीडित महिलाकाअनुसार ६ वर्षअघि उनीहरुको विवाह भएको थियो। तर गत वर्ष श्रीमानले अर्की युवतीसंग रहेको सम्बन्धका कारण विवाद उत्पन्न भएको थियो।
पीडित पक्षको आरोपअनुसार विवेकले लगातार सम्बन्धविच्छेदका लागि दबाव दिइरहेका थिए । सोही क्रममा अश्लील ब्लु भिडियो प्रकरण सार्वजनिक भएको हो । पीडित महिला विगत दुई महिनादेखि माइत बस्दै आएकी छन्। घटनाबारे प्रहरीले छानविन गरिरहेको जनाएको छ|भिडियो अलि सेक्सी भएकाले तलको बिज्ञापन भित्र छ हेर्नुहोला |
Many young gals coming from Talukas and districts around Nagpur indulge in the oldest profession in the world when they come to the city to study or work
Till now, the Nagpurians had tagged Ganga Jamuna red light as the dwelling arena of the commercial sex workers, having shut their hearts, minds and eyes to their professional and personal lives. But, many of you will be now be shocked to know that there are hundreds of young, middle-class girls coming to Nagpur from nearby places like Wadi, Hingna, Kalmeshwar and Kamptee on the pretext of pursuing their education or career opportunities and selling sex for money. We trace this murky trail...
Playing Ms Jekyll and Hyde
"Most of these girls lead double lives and make their families believe that Nagpur is the destination of their dreams," says Varsha Pagale, the project manager of a city-based NGO, who's working for the eradication of HIV/AIDS among the non-brothel sex workers in the city. She adds: "Most of these girls are in the age-group of 18-25, and contrary to popular myth, not all of them are from stark poor homes. Of course, there are some, who get mired in this muddy terrain because of poverty, but there are many who are from decent middle-class homes, and indulging in this, to earn extra moolah. We are counselling quite a few students of nursing, Arts, Commerce and Science, who have got involved in prostitution."
Money matters!
It is the lure of the lucre that plays a major role in attracting these small-town girls, says Varsha, and adds: "Since these students are young, they get good money from their clients, which are solicited either directly or through their brokers. Each girl has more than six-seven SIMs and they keep changing their numbers. Each girl earns almost 6000 to 10,000 per night. And on hourly basis, their charging rates are 1500 to 2000, depending upon the client. On an average, each girl indulges in paid sex at least twice a week. So, in a month, they rake in plenty of moolah."
Expensive tastes
"In some of the cases, a part of this money is spent on their families, but in most of the cases, it is blown on expensive mobiles, la-di-dah makeup, accessories and smart new wardrobes. Almost all these girls drink like fish and live under the illusion of being as smart and trendy as their mini-metro brethren, informs Varsha. She goes on to add: "We have registered data base of 3000 non-brothel commercial sex workers, and out of these, almost 70 per cent are students. Others are young girls, who are supposedly working in different organisations in Nagpur and indulging in commercial sex during the working hours. The parents are blissfully unaware about the true nature of their work or education."
I tried everything else, but failed...
Kamptee girl Ketaki (name changed) tells us how she entered prostitution...
My family thinks that I'm studying part-time in a college in Kamptee and I visit Nagpur for my projects etc. But, they don't know that I'm involved in prostitution to run our home. When my father died four years back, my mother started working in a glass factory in Kamptee. But soon, her health deteriorated and the onus lied on me to keep the kitchen fires burning, as I'm the oldest of the three siblings. I tried working in a hospital and later in a computer centre, but the money was just not enough! Moreover, because of my good looks, I faced sexual harassment there. Finally, I took to prostitution when everything else failed. Now, I'm earning decent amount and educating my two younger siblings too. But, deep within, there is a dream hidden in my heart that someday a young prince will come and steal me away from this murky world and will take care of my family as well.
Till now, the Nagpurians had tagged Ganga Jamuna red light as the dwelling arena of the commercial sex workers, having shut their hearts, minds and eyes to their professional and personal lives. But, many of you will be now be shocked to know that there are hundreds of young, middle-class girls coming to Nagpur from nearby places like Wadi, Hingna, Kalmeshwar and Kamptee on the pretext of pursuing their education or career opportunities and selling sex for money. We trace this murky trail...
Playing Ms Jekyll and Hyde
"Most of these girls lead double lives and make their families believe that Nagpur is the destination of their dreams," says Varsha Pagale, the project manager of a city-based NGO, who's working for the eradication of HIV/AIDS among the non-brothel sex workers in the city. She adds: "Most of these girls are in the age-group of 18-25, and contrary to popular myth, not all of them are from stark poor homes. Of course, there are some, who get mired in this muddy terrain because of poverty, but there are many who are from decent middle-class homes, and indulging in this, to earn extra moolah. We are counselling quite a few students of nursing, Arts, Commerce and Science, who have got involved in prostitution."
Money matters!
It is the lure of the lucre that plays a major role in attracting these small-town girls, says Varsha, and adds: "Since these students are young, they get good money from their clients, which are solicited either directly or through their brokers. Each girl has more than six-seven SIMs and they keep changing their numbers. Each girl earns almost 6000 to 10,000 per night. And on hourly basis, their charging rates are 1500 to 2000, depending upon the client. On an average, each girl indulges in paid sex at least twice a week. So, in a month, they rake in plenty of moolah."
Expensive tastes
"In some of the cases, a part of this money is spent on their families, but in most of the cases, it is blown on expensive mobiles, la-di-dah makeup, accessories and smart new wardrobes. Almost all these girls drink like fish and live under the illusion of being as smart and trendy as their mini-metro brethren, informs Varsha. She goes on to add: "We have registered data base of 3000 non-brothel commercial sex workers, and out of these, almost 70 per cent are students. Others are young girls, who are supposedly working in different organisations in Nagpur and indulging in commercial sex during the working hours. The parents are blissfully unaware about the true nature of their work or education."
I tried everything else, but failed...
Kamptee girl Ketaki (name changed) tells us how she entered prostitution...
My family thinks that I'm studying part-time in a college in Kamptee and I visit Nagpur for my projects etc. But, they don't know that I'm involved in prostitution to run our home. When my father died four years back, my mother started working in a glass factory in Kamptee. But soon, her health deteriorated and the onus lied on me to keep the kitchen fires burning, as I'm the oldest of the three siblings. I tried working in a hospital and later in a computer centre, but the money was just not enough! Moreover, because of my good looks, I faced sexual harassment there. Finally, I took to prostitution when everything else failed. Now, I'm earning decent amount and educating my two younger siblings too. But, deep within, there is a dream hidden in my heart that someday a young prince will come and steal me away from this murky world and will take care of my family as well.
बेलायतको ब्रिस्टोलमा महिलाका भित्री वस्त्र चोरी गर्ने चोर रंगेहात पक्राउ परेका छन् । ५१ वर्षका कोलिन क्रेग्टनलाई प्रहरीले रंगेहात पक्राउ गरेको हो । पक्राउपछि उनको जिउ तलासी लिँदा प्रहरीले उनको कोटको खल्तीभरि पेन्टी फेला पारेको थियो ।
स्थानीय एक अपार्टमेन्टमा रहेको महिलाको कोठामा रातको समयमा टर्च बालेर पुरुष छिरेको देखेपछि छिमेकीले प्रहरीलाई खबर गरे । कोलिनले कोटको खल्तीभरि पेन्टी कोचेर त्यहाँबाट के बाहिर निस्किएका थिए, प्रहरी आएर च्वाप्पै समाइहाले । प्रहरीले उनको कोटको खल्तीबाट मात्र होइन उनले अरु ठाउँबाट चोरेर ल्याएका पेन्टी कोचेर राखेको एक झोला पनि बरामद गर्यो ।
कोलिन विरुद्ध प्रहरीले बि्रस्टोल क्राउन कोर्टमा मुद्दा दायर गरेको छ । अदालतमा बयानका लागि उपस्थित भएका कोलिनले आफ्नो चोरीको कसूरका विषयमा खुलस्त नबताएपछि कुनै यौनिक उद्देश्यका साथ पेन्टी चोरी नगरेको जिकिर गरे ।
समाचार अनुसार त्यो कोठामा बस्ने महिला त्यसदिन आफ्नो अर्को घरमा बस्न गएकी थिइन् । उनले ढोका लगाएको भएपनि झ्याल खुल्लै भएकाले सोही झ्यालबाट ती व्यक्ति पेन्टी चोर्न पसेका रहेछन् ।
अदालतका न्यायाधीशले ती पेन्टी चोरलाई तीन वर्षको निगरानीको फैसला सुनाएका छन् । अब उनले तिन वर्षसम्म कुनै यस्तै कसूर गरेमा कडा सजाय भोग्नुपर्छ । साथै उनले विभिन्न खाले यौन हिंसा सम्बन्धि चेतनामूलक कार्यक्रममा पनि अनिवार्य रुपमा सहभागिता जनाउनुपर्नेछ । अदालतमा न्यायाधीशको अगाडि कोलिनले आफु आफ्नो यस्तो कार्यका कारण निकै लज्जित भएको र अब कहिल्यै त्यसो नगर्ने बताए । उता चोरले पेन्टी चोरेपछि अचम्ममा परेकी महिलाले भने आफु यो घटनाबाट निकै डराएको र त्यो मान्छेले चोरीको दिनभन्दा अगाडि पनि आफुलाई रातको समयमा निगरानी गर्ने गरेको हुनसक्ने बताइन् ।
स्थानीय एक अपार्टमेन्टमा रहेको महिलाको कोठामा रातको समयमा टर्च बालेर पुरुष छिरेको देखेपछि छिमेकीले प्रहरीलाई खबर गरे । कोलिनले कोटको खल्तीभरि पेन्टी कोचेर त्यहाँबाट के बाहिर निस्किएका थिए, प्रहरी आएर च्वाप्पै समाइहाले । प्रहरीले उनको कोटको खल्तीबाट मात्र होइन उनले अरु ठाउँबाट चोरेर ल्याएका पेन्टी कोचेर राखेको एक झोला पनि बरामद गर्यो ।
कोलिन विरुद्ध प्रहरीले बि्रस्टोल क्राउन कोर्टमा मुद्दा दायर गरेको छ । अदालतमा बयानका लागि उपस्थित भएका कोलिनले आफ्नो चोरीको कसूरका विषयमा खुलस्त नबताएपछि कुनै यौनिक उद्देश्यका साथ पेन्टी चोरी नगरेको जिकिर गरे ।
समाचार अनुसार त्यो कोठामा बस्ने महिला त्यसदिन आफ्नो अर्को घरमा बस्न गएकी थिइन् । उनले ढोका लगाएको भएपनि झ्याल खुल्लै भएकाले सोही झ्यालबाट ती व्यक्ति पेन्टी चोर्न पसेका रहेछन् ।
अदालतका न्यायाधीशले ती पेन्टी चोरलाई तीन वर्षको निगरानीको फैसला सुनाएका छन् । अब उनले तिन वर्षसम्म कुनै यस्तै कसूर गरेमा कडा सजाय भोग्नुपर्छ । साथै उनले विभिन्न खाले यौन हिंसा सम्बन्धि चेतनामूलक कार्यक्रममा पनि अनिवार्य रुपमा सहभागिता जनाउनुपर्नेछ । अदालतमा न्यायाधीशको अगाडि कोलिनले आफु आफ्नो यस्तो कार्यका कारण निकै लज्जित भएको र अब कहिल्यै त्यसो नगर्ने बताए । उता चोरले पेन्टी चोरेपछि अचम्ममा परेकी महिलाले भने आफु यो घटनाबाट निकै डराएको र त्यो मान्छेले चोरीको दिनभन्दा अगाडि पनि आफुलाई रातको समयमा निगरानी गर्ने गरेको हुनसक्ने बताइन् ।
संसारमा यस्ता घटना हुन्छन् जुन घटनाले आङ् सिरिङ्ग पार्छ। नेपालमा पनि जघन्य अपराध जसले सामाजिक मुल्य मान्यतालाई त ठेस पुर्याएकै छ त्यती मात्र नभई धेरैको जिन्दगीनै बर्बाद बनाई दिन्छन्।यस्तै एउटा सत्य घटनामा आधारित रहेर चलचित्र बनेको छ। अर्को साता अथवा असोज चार गते नेपालभर प्रदर्शनमा आउने चलचित्र ‘प्राण भन्दा प्यारो’मा आफुले सबैभन्दा बढि माया र विश्वास गरेको श्रीमानबाट महिला कसरी पिडित र बलात्कृत हुन्छन् भन्ने कुरालाई प्राथमिकता दिईएको छ। सामाजिक सम्मान र जीवनमा आँच आउने त्रासले आफै भित्र पिल्सिएको कहालीलाग्दो पिडा ‘प्राण भन्दा प्यारो’मा छ।कमलकृष्ण निर्देशित सो चलचित्रमा निर्देशक स्वयं साथै अनामिका चौलागाईँ र बाशु पुडासैनीको मूख्य अभिनय रहेको छ। पञ्च परमेश्वर फिल्म्सको ब्यानरमा निर्मित ‘प्राण भन्दा प्यारो’ परिवारको सबैले हेर्नैपर्ने निर्देशक कमलकृष्ण बताउँछन्।
A Scotsman who was driving home one night, ran into a car driven by an Englishman. The Scotsman got out of the car to apologize and offered the Englishman a drink from a bottle of whisky. The Englishman was glad to have a drink.
"Go on," said the Scot, "have another drink."
The Englishman drank gratefully. "But don't you want one, too?" he asked the Scotsman.
"Perhaps," replied the Scotsman, "after the police have gone."
Three men went Las Vegas and after a losing their money at the blackjack tables, the best friends decided to stay off the strip in a not so lavish hotel and the guy that owned it had 18 daughters so the first man went up to they’re father and said "can I sleep with your 18 daughters?" the father said "no but you can sleep with the pigs." the second man went to the father and said "can I sleep with your 18 daughters?" the father said " no but you can sleep with the cows." the third man said "can I sleep with your 18 daughters?" the father said "yes." so in the morning the three men and the father had a conversation over breakfast the first man said "I slept like a pig" the second man said "I slept like a cow" the third man said "I felt like a golfer" the father asked why? he said cause I got my balls in 18 holes
Three men went Las Vegas and after a losing their money at the blackjack tables, the best friends decided to stay off the strip in a not so lavish hotel and the guy that owned it had 18 daughters so the first man went up to they’re father and said "can I sleep with your 18 daughters?" the father said "no but you can sleep with the pigs." the second man went to the father and said "can I sleep with your 18 daughters?" the father said " no but you can sleep with the cows." the third man said "can I sleep with your 18 daughters?" the father said "yes." so in the morning the three men and the father had a conversation over breakfast the first man said "I slept like a pig" the second man said "I slept like a cow" the third man said "I felt like a golfer" the father asked why? he said cause I got my balls in 18 holes
KATHMANDU: Nearly 300 students were arrested in Babylon Disco of Sundhara on Friday morning at 10 am in a series of raids on dance bars, discos and restaurants of the capital. The raids were carried out two days after the police swooped down on X Bar in Sundhara and other dance bars on Wednesday. The students were caught in their college and school uniforms when the police entered the bars accompanied by media persons. Students are of Sigma, Redhon, Youth Vision, Siddharth Banasthali, Golden Academy, Caspian, Prime, Nobel British Gurkha Academy and NCC among other colleges and schools in the capital. The discos usually organise parties on Friday targeting students who bunk classes to attend them. The students have been taken into custody in Hanuman Dhoka Metropolitan Police Range and Nepal Police Club of Exhibition Road. Police said that the students were caught consuming alcoholic drinks and drugs. It is reported that the police has begun its investigation into the incident. The proprietor of one of the discotheques has also been arrested. According to the police, the students would be subjected to medical tests for alcohol and drugs.
Prostitution is illegal in China, but the BBC has uncovered evidence of organised prostitution at independently run spas located inside a number of well known, Western-brand hotels, as John Sudworth reports for Newsnight.
The Kempinski Hotel chain calls itself Europe's oldest luxury hotel group. Founded in Germany, now based in Switzerland, it operates more than 70 five-star hotels around the world, including one in the city of Qingdao on China's east coast.
But following the signs to the spa in the basement, along a gloomy corridor, we found little luxury, just a small room from which more than 10 women are bought and sold for sex.
"Do you need them just once, or do you want them to stay overnight?" we were asked by the man on duty.
The Kempinski Hotel in Qingdao Staff working out of a third-party run business inside this building said they could provide up to 10 women for sex
He made it clear that the business was independently run as he could not, he said, offer us an official hotel receipt. But there appeared to be little secrecy about what was on offer.
One of the prostitutes told me that she was 20 years old, had sex with up to three clients a day, and was allowed to keep just 40% of the fee charged.
It is a stark illustration of just how easily reputable foreign businesses in China can become tangled up in vice and criminality.
China's communists once claimed to have eradicated prostitution. Whether they ever succeeded is debatable, although for a period, it was driven from public view.
Today, it is safe to say, the battle has truly been lost.
On paper at least, the ideological sanctimony is undiminished and prostitution remains illegal, but in practice the party rules over a country in which sex is bought and sold on an industrial scale.
Household names
There are an estimated four to six million sex workers in China, hiding in plain sight in the barbers' shops, massage parlours and karaoke bars that can be found pretty much everywhere.
So the allegation that prostitution is thriving inside some hotels in China will not be surprising to anyone with even a passing acquaintance of the travel and tourism industry here.
But our investigation shows for the first time just how far pimps and prostitutes have moved into the international hotel industry, apparently without its knowledge.
With very little effort, we have found the sex trade operating from inside hotels that are household names in Europe and America, seemingly with little fear of detection.
Ramada spa card At the spa operating in the Ramada Zhengzhou a leaflet was marked with the price for a prostitute
We called dozens of international hotels in China and asked to be put through to their spas.
A BBC colleague, posing as a personal assistant, told the spa receptionists that she was setting up a business meeting for potential clients who expected sex to be available in the chosen venue.
In around 7% of those she spoke to, in cities as far afield as Nanjing and Qingdao on China's east coast and the inland cities of Xian and Zhengzhou, we discovered that prostitution is very easy to arrange.
Using the results of that telephone survey, we then visited some of those hotels and, using the same cover story, filmed what we found on hidden camera.
In Qingdao, as well as what we found in the Kempinski Hotel we found sex on sale in the Intercontinental, part of the British-based hotel chain.
The signs in the spa on the second floor make it very clear that it is not run by the hotel, but is under independent management, and here legitimate massage is clearly the mainstay of the business.
But the spa staff showed little hesitation in telling us that sex could be supplied to those who ask for it. The prostitute herself told us that the bill for her services could be settled at checkout through the hotel main-desk.
Hotel denials
Both the Intercontinental and the Kempinski deny any knowledge of the prostitution we have found.
In a statement, the Intercontinental Hotels Group told us: "Prostitution is strictly prohibited" in all of its hotels, and that third-party run businesses, like the spa, have a "contractual obligation" to abide by that policy.
"Hotel staff have not knowingly been involved in processing bills for prostitution," it said.
The Intercontinental Hotel has now closed the spa.
Intercontinental Hotel in Qingdao A prostitute at the Intercontinental Hotel, Qingdao claimed her services could be paid for via the hotel
The Kempinski Hotel issued a statement saying: "While a spa was originally planned for the hotel, hence the signage in the elevators, the actual facility was never approved nor opened or operated by Kempinski Hotels."
The hotel, it said, is connected to a third-party business through a basement passageway that "cannot be closed off for safety reasons".
We asked the Kempinski why it was that when we called the hotel main desk, asking to be transferred to the massage centre, staff put us straight through to the pimp in the basement.
"Regarding the phone calls I'm afraid that there is no way for us to verify the calls and/or if indeed they were redirected," was the written reply.
The Kempinski group had already decided to pull out of the hotel in Qingdao before our investigation. They will cease to manage it from 15 November, a sign that just a year after it opened something has gone badly wrong.
The third hotel we visited was the Ramada Plaza in the city of Zhengzhou.
Once again, we followed the signs to the third-party-run spa, which was on the sixth floor. Passing a somewhat suggestive poster of a woman at the entrance, we found a massage centre that we were told was available for the use of male customers only.
The man on the reception desk told us that sex could be provided and that more than 20 women worked there. And he handed us a small leaflet on the top of which, handwritten in English, were the words, "Prostitutes 800Rmb" - about £85.
Female guests' warning
In response to our findings the Wyndham Hotel Group, which owns the Ramada brand, said it was looking into the matter and issued a statement which said: "Please know that we are a family-oriented company."
The company told us that while most hotels are run as franchises, "independently owned and operated", they are required to comply with the law and that Wyndham is providing training to help employees "identify and report human exploitation and abuse activities".
But it added, "As long as there are people profiting from tragic practices, we believe no member of the travel and tourism industry can ever guarantee these events will not occur in the future."
Business adviser Shaun Rein Shaun Rein says the Chinese government is likely to crackdown on foreign companies
Few customers who visit the spa in the Ramada Zhengzhou would be left in much doubt about what is on offer there.
Indeed, a group of female travellers who stayed at the hotel earlier this year raised their suspicions in a review posted on the TripAdvisor website. "If you are a woman, don't come and stay in this hotel," it urges readers.
While prostitution might be easy to find in China, prostitutes continue to face danger not just from clients but the police too.
Sophie Richardson is the China Director of Human Rights Watch, which recently called for the Chinese government to remove the criminal sanctions in force against sex workers.
"We've documented torture and other kinds of physical abuses of sex workers, including rape, both by clients and by police," she told the BBC. "Anybody who understands what's at stake here and how vulnerable sex workers can be to these kinds of abuses would want to step up."
Three years ago, one foreign-run hotel was raided and closed by the Chinese police because a karaoke bar in the basement was linked to prostitution.
But now our investigation shows that the widespread use of third-party-run spas means that the sex trade has gained a much firmer foothold than the industry itself appears to realise.
Government scrutiny
Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group, advises foreign companies operating in China. He said that there is more that some hotels could be doing to keep the sex trade away from their doors.
"The companies should be negotiating with the landlords or the owners of the properties from day one," he said. "They should say that if we're going to run a spa, it can be owned by a third party, but it needs to be managed by our own employees, and we also have to be in charge of the hours, so it closes at nine pm, rather than later."
Mr Rein said that now more than ever, foreign companies in China should be striving to stay clean.
"There's a definite reputational risk for the brands to have hookers in the hotels, especially from the government side because they're going to crack down and go after foreign brands to show the country that they are adhering to the laws," he said. "It's much easier to crack down on a foreign brand than a local one."
A few months ago the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) found itself on the receiving end of just such a crackdown, accused of paying bribes to boost sales.
It was forced to admit that some of its employees did appear to have broken the law. But many observers wondered why GSK was being singled out when corruption is widely alleged to be endemic in China's domestic pharmaceutical industry.
Now our investigation suggests that the international hotel trade is at least running the risk of handing the government another political opportunity to look tough on foreign business.
The Kempinski Hotel chain calls itself Europe's oldest luxury hotel group. Founded in Germany, now based in Switzerland, it operates more than 70 five-star hotels around the world, including one in the city of Qingdao on China's east coast.
But following the signs to the spa in the basement, along a gloomy corridor, we found little luxury, just a small room from which more than 10 women are bought and sold for sex.
"Do you need them just once, or do you want them to stay overnight?" we were asked by the man on duty.
The Kempinski Hotel in Qingdao Staff working out of a third-party run business inside this building said they could provide up to 10 women for sex
He made it clear that the business was independently run as he could not, he said, offer us an official hotel receipt. But there appeared to be little secrecy about what was on offer.
One of the prostitutes told me that she was 20 years old, had sex with up to three clients a day, and was allowed to keep just 40% of the fee charged.
It is a stark illustration of just how easily reputable foreign businesses in China can become tangled up in vice and criminality.
China's communists once claimed to have eradicated prostitution. Whether they ever succeeded is debatable, although for a period, it was driven from public view.
Today, it is safe to say, the battle has truly been lost.
On paper at least, the ideological sanctimony is undiminished and prostitution remains illegal, but in practice the party rules over a country in which sex is bought and sold on an industrial scale.
Household names
There are an estimated four to six million sex workers in China, hiding in plain sight in the barbers' shops, massage parlours and karaoke bars that can be found pretty much everywhere.
So the allegation that prostitution is thriving inside some hotels in China will not be surprising to anyone with even a passing acquaintance of the travel and tourism industry here.
But our investigation shows for the first time just how far pimps and prostitutes have moved into the international hotel industry, apparently without its knowledge.
With very little effort, we have found the sex trade operating from inside hotels that are household names in Europe and America, seemingly with little fear of detection.
Ramada spa card At the spa operating in the Ramada Zhengzhou a leaflet was marked with the price for a prostitute
We called dozens of international hotels in China and asked to be put through to their spas.
A BBC colleague, posing as a personal assistant, told the spa receptionists that she was setting up a business meeting for potential clients who expected sex to be available in the chosen venue.
In around 7% of those she spoke to, in cities as far afield as Nanjing and Qingdao on China's east coast and the inland cities of Xian and Zhengzhou, we discovered that prostitution is very easy to arrange.
Using the results of that telephone survey, we then visited some of those hotels and, using the same cover story, filmed what we found on hidden camera.
In Qingdao, as well as what we found in the Kempinski Hotel we found sex on sale in the Intercontinental, part of the British-based hotel chain.
The signs in the spa on the second floor make it very clear that it is not run by the hotel, but is under independent management, and here legitimate massage is clearly the mainstay of the business.
But the spa staff showed little hesitation in telling us that sex could be supplied to those who ask for it. The prostitute herself told us that the bill for her services could be settled at checkout through the hotel main-desk.
Hotel denials
Both the Intercontinental and the Kempinski deny any knowledge of the prostitution we have found.
In a statement, the Intercontinental Hotels Group told us: "Prostitution is strictly prohibited" in all of its hotels, and that third-party run businesses, like the spa, have a "contractual obligation" to abide by that policy.
"Hotel staff have not knowingly been involved in processing bills for prostitution," it said.
The Intercontinental Hotel has now closed the spa.
Intercontinental Hotel in Qingdao A prostitute at the Intercontinental Hotel, Qingdao claimed her services could be paid for via the hotel
The Kempinski Hotel issued a statement saying: "While a spa was originally planned for the hotel, hence the signage in the elevators, the actual facility was never approved nor opened or operated by Kempinski Hotels."
The hotel, it said, is connected to a third-party business through a basement passageway that "cannot be closed off for safety reasons".
We asked the Kempinski why it was that when we called the hotel main desk, asking to be transferred to the massage centre, staff put us straight through to the pimp in the basement.
"Regarding the phone calls I'm afraid that there is no way for us to verify the calls and/or if indeed they were redirected," was the written reply.
The Kempinski group had already decided to pull out of the hotel in Qingdao before our investigation. They will cease to manage it from 15 November, a sign that just a year after it opened something has gone badly wrong.
The third hotel we visited was the Ramada Plaza in the city of Zhengzhou.
Once again, we followed the signs to the third-party-run spa, which was on the sixth floor. Passing a somewhat suggestive poster of a woman at the entrance, we found a massage centre that we were told was available for the use of male customers only.
The man on the reception desk told us that sex could be provided and that more than 20 women worked there. And he handed us a small leaflet on the top of which, handwritten in English, were the words, "Prostitutes 800Rmb" - about £85.
Female guests' warning
In response to our findings the Wyndham Hotel Group, which owns the Ramada brand, said it was looking into the matter and issued a statement which said: "Please know that we are a family-oriented company."
The company told us that while most hotels are run as franchises, "independently owned and operated", they are required to comply with the law and that Wyndham is providing training to help employees "identify and report human exploitation and abuse activities".
But it added, "As long as there are people profiting from tragic practices, we believe no member of the travel and tourism industry can ever guarantee these events will not occur in the future."
Business adviser Shaun Rein Shaun Rein says the Chinese government is likely to crackdown on foreign companies
Few customers who visit the spa in the Ramada Zhengzhou would be left in much doubt about what is on offer there.
Indeed, a group of female travellers who stayed at the hotel earlier this year raised their suspicions in a review posted on the TripAdvisor website. "If you are a woman, don't come and stay in this hotel," it urges readers.
While prostitution might be easy to find in China, prostitutes continue to face danger not just from clients but the police too.
Sophie Richardson is the China Director of Human Rights Watch, which recently called for the Chinese government to remove the criminal sanctions in force against sex workers.
"We've documented torture and other kinds of physical abuses of sex workers, including rape, both by clients and by police," she told the BBC. "Anybody who understands what's at stake here and how vulnerable sex workers can be to these kinds of abuses would want to step up."
Three years ago, one foreign-run hotel was raided and closed by the Chinese police because a karaoke bar in the basement was linked to prostitution.
But now our investigation shows that the widespread use of third-party-run spas means that the sex trade has gained a much firmer foothold than the industry itself appears to realise.
Government scrutiny
Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group, advises foreign companies operating in China. He said that there is more that some hotels could be doing to keep the sex trade away from their doors.
"The companies should be negotiating with the landlords or the owners of the properties from day one," he said. "They should say that if we're going to run a spa, it can be owned by a third party, but it needs to be managed by our own employees, and we also have to be in charge of the hours, so it closes at nine pm, rather than later."
Mr Rein said that now more than ever, foreign companies in China should be striving to stay clean.
"There's a definite reputational risk for the brands to have hookers in the hotels, especially from the government side because they're going to crack down and go after foreign brands to show the country that they are adhering to the laws," he said. "It's much easier to crack down on a foreign brand than a local one."
A few months ago the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) found itself on the receiving end of just such a crackdown, accused of paying bribes to boost sales.
It was forced to admit that some of its employees did appear to have broken the law. But many observers wondered why GSK was being singled out when corruption is widely alleged to be endemic in China's domestic pharmaceutical industry.
Now our investigation suggests that the international hotel trade is at least running the risk of handing the government another political opportunity to look tough on foreign business.
Good FRIENDS are hard to find,
harder to leave,
and impossible to forget.
eXams are there,
at the paper u stare;
the answer is nowhere,
which makes u pull ur hair.
The teachers make u glare,
the grades r not fair,
but just like the past 20 yrs,
Good FRIENDS are hard to find,
harder to leave,
and impossible to forget.
eXams are there,
at the paper u stare;
the answer is nowhere,
which makes u pull ur hair.
The teachers make u glare,
the grades r not fair,
but just like the past 20 yrs,