Smita Thapa is made popular by model promoting sites by posting highly revealing poses of hers. Due to the nascent nature of Nepali modeling industry, ‘skin show’ is considered the only talent most desirable in Nepali models. Smita leads the crowd and she made herself popular by this interview in which she has accepted that she has multiple sex partners and she quite comfortable to shed clothes for the camera. It is to be noted that she was drinking whiskey while talking to the Kantipur reporter for this interview. Full interview in Nepali follows:
दुनियाँ अजीव छ । एउटा व्यक्तिलाई जुन कुरा मन पर्दैन, अर्को व्यक्तिलाई त्यही कुरा राम्रो लाग्छ । कतिपय व्यक्ति परम्परा जोगाउन मरिमेट्छन्, कोही परम्परा तोड्नुलाई नै आफ्नो जीवनको उद्देश्य मान्छन् । केही वर्षअघिसम्म ब्राह्मणले सुँगुर छुँदा उसलाई परिवारबाट निकालिन्थ्यो वा चोख्याएर मात्र गृह प्रवेश गराइन्थ्यो । त्यसबेला केही पढेलेखेका ब्राह्मणले सुँगुरको मासु खाएर त्यसको विरोध गरेका थिए । यस्ता धेरै परम्परा तोडिँदै आएका कारण समाज आजको अवस्थासम्म आइपुगेको हो । अहिले समाजमा नतोडिएको कुनै नियम छैन । यही नियम तोडिँदै जाँदा ‘एक नारी ब्रह्मचारी’ अहिले ‘अनेक नारी सर्वहारी’ भएको छ । यो नियम पुरुषमा मात्र लागू हुन्छ, महिलामा हुँदैन भन्ने मान्यता पनि अहिले तोडिन थालेको छ । अहिले पुरुषलाई खेलौनाका रूपमा प्रयोग गर्ने महिलाको संख्या उल्लेख्य देखिन थालेको छ । खोजी गर्दै जाँदा त्यस्ता सयौं युवती भेटिन्छन्, जो पुरुषलाई केवल मनोरञ्जनको साधन मात्र मान्छन् । तिनै युवतीमध्ये एक हुन्— मोडल स्मिता थापा ।
साप्ताहिकमा प्रकाशित हट ब्लोअपमध्ये सर्वाधिक चर्चित तस्बिरकी धनी स्मिता त्यस्ता युवतीहरूकी प्रतिनिधि हुन्, जो पुरुषलाई साधन मात्र मान्छिन् । महिलाको जीवन विवाह गर्न, सन्तान जन्माउन एवं घरधन्दा गर्ने मात्र हो भन्ने मान्यता राख्नेहरूका लागि स्मिताजस्ता युवती अराजक लाग्न सक्छन् । उनको विचारमा पुरुषले महिलामाथि मायाको नाममा आफ्नो शारीरिक आवश्यकता मात्र पूरा गरेको छ । यौन आवश्यकता पुरुषको मात्र अधिकारको कुरा होइन, यो महिलालाई पनि आवश्यक छ भन्ने कुरा बुझेपछि उनले पनि पुरुषलाई त्यही रूपमा हेर्न थालेकी हुन् ।
स्मिताले पहिलो पटक साप्ताहिकमार्फत आफ्ना केही व्यक्तिगत रहस्य सार्वजनिक गरेकी छिन् । आफ्नो ‘ब्रेस्ट’ ठूलो भएकै कारण धेरै पुरुष आफूप्रति आकषिर्त भएको उनको अनुमान छ । थापा जंगली जनावरजस्तै आक्रामक पुरुष मन पर्ने कुरा पनि निर्धक्क बताउँछिन् । करिब एक दशक लामो आफ्नो यौनजीवनमा सबै किसिमको आसनको अनुभव गरेको उनले बताइन् । लामो अनुभवपछि उनको निष्कर्ष छ- ‘यो जति खाए पनि नअघाइने अमृत फल रहेछ ।’ नक्सालस्थित बाबर्ची रेस्टुराँमा चम्किलो गाडीमा अन्तर्वार्ता दिन आएकी स्मिताले हि्वस्कीको पेग लिनुअघि नै खुला रूपमा आफ्नो विचार व्यक्त गर्न थालेकी थिइन् । हि्वस्कीको पेग बढ्दै जाँदा उनी अझ खुल्दै गइन् ।
भनिन्छ, कतिपय पुरुष महिलालाई खेलौनाका रूपमा हेर्छन्, उनीहरू खेल्छन् र उपादेयता सकिएपछि फ्याँक्छन् । के यस्तै कुरा महिलाहरू पनि सोच्छन् ?
सोच्छन्, किन सोच्दैनन् ? म त्यस्तै युवती हुँ । पुरुषहरू मेरा खेलौना हुन् । मेरो शरीरले इच्छा गर्दा उनीहरूलाई युज गर्छु । सकिएपछि त्यसको उपादेयता पनि सकिन्छ ।
कति पुरुषसँग संगत गर्नुभयो ?
मैले १६ वर्षको उमेरदेखि पुरुषको संगत गर्दै आएकी छु । अहिलेसम्म कति पुगे होलान् भनेर गन्दा अल्मलिन्छु । धेरै पुगिसके, कति भन्नु ? -लामो हाँसो) ।
भनेपछि ती सबै खेलौना नै थिए ?
पहिले त ती ड्रीम ब्वाइ नै थिए । पछि-पछि मलाई पुरुष भनेका खेलौना हुन् भन्ने लाग्न थाल्यो ।
यस्तो सोच कहिलेदेखि आयो ?
पहिले शरीरको आवश्यकता पूरा गर्न सम्बन्ध राखें । कहिलेकाहीँ सम्बन्ध राख्दै जाँदा त्यो मायामा पनि परिणत भयो । मानिसको व्यवहार बुझ्दै जाँदा यो स्वार्थी जीव हो, यहाँ माया प्रेमको अर्थ छैन भन्ने कुरा जब मैले थाहा पाएँ त्यसयता मैले पनि पुरुषसँग ‘युज एन्ड थ्रो’ कै व्यवहार गर्न थालेकी छु ।
तपाईंको विचारमा पुरुष स्वार्थी कि महिला ?
म महिला भएकीले महिलालाई किन स्वार्थी भनौं ? पुरुष नै स्वार्थी हुन्छन् । महिलाहरू मायामा पग्लिन्छन्, तर पुरुष पग्लिएको मैले पाइन् । म कुनै पुरुषको मायामा पर्दा उसले मसँग विवाह गरेन । मायामा पग्लिने भए त हाम्रो विवाह भैहाल्थ्यो नि ।
विवाह गर्ने अनुकूल अवस्था नहुन पनि सक्छ नि, विवाह नगर्ने बित्तिकै पुरुषलाई स्वार्थी भन्न मिल्छ ?
पुरुषहरू विवाहअघि म जस्तै हट एन्ड सेक्सी गर्लप|mेन्ड चाहँदा रहेछन् । गाडीमा राख्यो, घुमायो, मोजमस्ती गर्यो । जब विवाहको कुरा आउँछ, उनीहरूलाई घर सम्हाल्ने, सीधा-साधा युवती चाहिन्छ । विवाहअघि पनि गर्ने त्यही हो, पछि पनि त्यही हो । त्यसो भए व्यवहारचाहिँ किन फरक ? त्यही भएर मैले स्वार्थी भनेकी हुँ ।
किनभने तपाईंहरू जस्ता युवतीलाई उनीहरूले खर्च गरेका हुन्छन्, स्वार्थकै लागि संगत गरेका हुन्छन्, होइन र ?
म कल गर्ल होइन । बरु मेरै पैसाबाट उनीहरूले मोज गरेका छन् । त्यस्ता युवती पनि होलान्, जसलाई खान-लाउन पुग्दैन, उनीहरूका लागि त्यसरी पैसा लिनु बाध्यता पनि होला, तर म त सम्पन्न घरकी युवती हुँ । मजस्ता खुला विचारका युवतीलाई देख्ने बित्तिकै समाजले गलत अर्थ लगाउँछ । हाम्रो समाजको धारणा नै गलत छ ।
तपाईं गाडी चढ्नुहुन्छ, फ्ल्याटमा बस्नुहुन्छ, कुनै काम नगरी यति ठूलो खर्च गर्ने, विचार र व्यवहार पनि त्यस्तै देखेपछि यस्तो सोच्नु स्वाभाविक नै हो नि, हो इन र ?
म मेरो व्यक्तिगत जीवनमा फेमिली ब्याकग्राउन्डको कुरा गर्न चाहन्नँ । यद्यपि यति भन्छु, म महिनाको ४-५ लाख खर्च गर्ने क्षमता राख्छु । म बी टेक गरेकी शिक्षित एवं सक्षम युवती हुँ ।
तपाईंको जीवनको उद्देश्य के हो ?
राम्रो मोडल बन्ने । खुसी साथ जीवन बिताउने । दुई-चारवटा एड गर्दा बजारबाट जुन रेस्पोन्स पाएँ, त्यसले मोडलिङमा रुचि बढ्दै गएको छ । बाँकी जीवन आफूले चाहे जस्तो गरी बिताउने । विशेषगरी नयाँ-नयाँ पुरुषसँग संगत गर्ने ।
सबैभन्दा पहिले पुरुषको संगत गर्नुभयो कि मोडल बन्ने चाहना राख्नुभयो ?
म स्कुलमा फरवार्ड थिएँ । राम्रो नाच्थें र एक्टिङ गर्थें, तर १६ वर्षदेखि नै पुरुषको संगत पनि गर्न थाले ।
पहिलोपल्ट संगत गरेको पुरुषको सम्झना छ ?
छ, मैले डान्समै उसलाई भेटेकी हुँ । उ २७ वर्ष जतिको थियो । उसँग मेरो ‘ओरल सेक्स’ भएको थियो ।
त्यति सानो उमेरमा कसरी यस्तो कुरा थाहा पाउनुभयो ?
त्यो आफैं थाहा पाउने कुरा हो । सेक्स त नेचुरल कुरा हो नि, होइन र ? फेरि ऊ निकै अनुभवी मानिस थियो, उसले नै मलाई सेक्सको महत्त्व सिकाएको हो ।
त्यो एक प्रकारको शोषण थियो भन्ने लाग्दैन ?
अहिले आएर लाग्छ । किनभने उसले मेरो चाहना पूरा गर्दैनथ्यो । यद्यपि उसलाई सन्तुष्टि दिने क्रममा मलाई जुन आनन्द आउँथ्यो, त्यसबाट म सन्तुष्ट थिएँ ।
दोस्रो पुरुष पनि सम्झनुहुन्छ ?
सम्झन्छु । त्यसबेला म १७ वर्षकी थिएँ । उसँग मेरो प्राकृतिक सम्पर्क भएको थियो । म पहिलो पटक साँच्चैकी युवती भएकी थिएँ । ऊ भने ३१ वर्षको थियो ।
तपाईंलाई पाको पुरुष नै मनपर्नुको कारण ?
किनभने उनीहरू अनुभवी हुन्छन् ।
अर्को कुरा पाको मानिससँग उठबस गर्दा अरूले अनावश्यक शंका पनि गर्दैनन् । मैले अहिलेसम्म आफू सेफ साइडमा बसेर जीवन बिताएकी छु ।
अहिलेसम्म मैले गलत गरें भन्ने पश्चाताप छैन ?
एकपल्ट ४० वर्षको पाको मानिस मलाई यति मनपर्यो कि उसलाई फकाउने क्रममा उसको कारमै हाम्रो सम्बन्ध भएको थियो । त्यसबेला उसले मेरा बारेमा के सोच्यो होला भन्ने पीर लागिरह्यो । मलाई लाग्यो मेरो शरीर आवश्यकताभन्दा बढी भोको छ । यो राम्रो कुरा होइन भन्ने लागेको थियो ।
तर त्यो बानी परिवर्तन भएन ?
भएन, ऊ मबाट यति प्रभावित भयो कि मेरा लागि सबैथोक छाड्छु भन्न थाल्यो । उसको परिवार बिग्रने डर भएपछि म साइड लागें । किनभने उसका श्रीमती, छोरा-छोरी थिए । मेरो उद्देश्य ऊसँग सम्बन्ध राख्ने मात्र थियो, परिवार बिगार्ने थिएन ।
कति समयमा तपाईं केटा फेर्नुहुन्छ ?
यति समय भन्ने छैन, तर एउटा पुरुषसँग संगत गर्दा अरू पुरुषसँग उठबस गर्दिन । मलाई मनै लाग्दैन । आफ्नो ब्वाइप|mेन्डमाथि अन्याय भएजस्तो लाग्छ ।
यौनसम्बन्धमा माया प्रेमको भूमिका हुनुपर्छ कि पर्दैन ?
प्रेम र सेक्स फरक कुरा हुन् । यद्यपि सेक्समा पे्रम भयो भने त्यो सुनौलो हुँदो रहेछ । नेपालीमा उखान छ नि, सुनमा सुगन्ध, प्रेम भएको अवस्थामा सेक्सको त्यही महत्त्व छ ।
यति लामो यौनजीवनमा कतिपटक सुनमा सुगन्ध महसुस गर्नुभयो ?
एकपटक । केही वर्ष पहिले एकजना सञ्चारकर्मीसँग मेरो संगत भएको थियो । आफू सेफ हुन मैले उसँग संगत गरेकी थिएँ, तर एक वर्ष नबित्दै उसँग मेरो प्रेम हुन गयो । म उसको मायामा यति धेरै पग्लिएछु कि ऊसँग मात्र मैले तीन वर्ष संगत गरें । त्यसबेला मलाई लाग्यो, सेक्सको आनन्द प्रेममा रहेछ, तर के गर्नु उसले मसँग विवाह गर्न मानेन ।
उसले विवाह गर्न नमान्नुको कारण के होला ?
म उमेरले सानी भएँ रे । संगत गर्दाचाहिँ सानी नहुने, विवाह गर्दाचाहिँ सानी हुने ? म त्यसबेला खुब रोएकी थिएँ ।
त्यसो भए विवाह गरेर लाइफ सेटल गरे भैहाल्यो नि ?
उसले धोका दिएपछि प्रेमप्रति मेरो विश्वास रहेन । त्यसपछि मैले पुरुषको भावनामा बग्नुहुन्न, बरु पुरुषलाई युज गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने कुरा बुझें । अब मलाई लोग्ने होइन, लोग्नेमानिस चाहिएको छ ।
सधैंभरि यस्तो जीवन कसरी चल्छ ?
मलाई थाहा छ, मोडलिङको पनि आफ्नो उमेर हुन्छ । यसरी रमाइलो गर्नुको पनि एउटा समय हुन्छ । त्यसैले दुइटी धर्मपुत्री पाल्दैछु । एक करोडको लगानीमा एउटा बिजनेस सुरु गर्दैछु । आम्दानी भएको पैसाले समाजसेवा गर्छु । जसरी होस्, जीवन मोजमा बिताउँछु । अहिले मोडलिङमा मेरो चर्चा छ, भोलि समाजसेवामा मेरो नाम रहनेछ ।
विवाह नगरेपछि आफ्ना सन्तान हुँदैनन्, यसले एउटा महिलाको जीवन अपूरो भयो नि ?
सन्तानका लागि विवाह किन गर्नुपर्यो र ? मलाई एउटा यस्तो लोग्नेमानिस चाहिएको छ, जो हेन्डसम होस्, असल व्यवहारको होस् । उसलाई म आफ्नो सन्तानको बुवा बनाउन चाहन्छु, तर त्यसमा उसको अधिकार हुनेछैन । त्यो मेरो मात्र सन्तान हुनेछ ।
source – saptahik)
दुनियाँ अजीव छ । एउटा व्यक्तिलाई जुन कुरा मन पर्दैन, अर्को व्यक्तिलाई त्यही कुरा राम्रो लाग्छ । कतिपय व्यक्ति परम्परा जोगाउन मरिमेट्छन्, कोही परम्परा तोड्नुलाई नै आफ्नो जीवनको उद्देश्य मान्छन् । केही वर्षअघिसम्म ब्राह्मणले सुँगुर छुँदा उसलाई परिवारबाट निकालिन्थ्यो वा चोख्याएर मात्र गृह प्रवेश गराइन्थ्यो । त्यसबेला केही पढेलेखेका ब्राह्मणले सुँगुरको मासु खाएर त्यसको विरोध गरेका थिए । यस्ता धेरै परम्परा तोडिँदै आएका कारण समाज आजको अवस्थासम्म आइपुगेको हो । अहिले समाजमा नतोडिएको कुनै नियम छैन । यही नियम तोडिँदै जाँदा ‘एक नारी ब्रह्मचारी’ अहिले ‘अनेक नारी सर्वहारी’ भएको छ । यो नियम पुरुषमा मात्र लागू हुन्छ, महिलामा हुँदैन भन्ने मान्यता पनि अहिले तोडिन थालेको छ । अहिले पुरुषलाई खेलौनाका रूपमा प्रयोग गर्ने महिलाको संख्या उल्लेख्य देखिन थालेको छ । खोजी गर्दै जाँदा त्यस्ता सयौं युवती भेटिन्छन्, जो पुरुषलाई केवल मनोरञ्जनको साधन मात्र मान्छन् । तिनै युवतीमध्ये एक हुन्— मोडल स्मिता थापा ।
साप्ताहिकमा प्रकाशित हट ब्लोअपमध्ये सर्वाधिक चर्चित तस्बिरकी धनी स्मिता त्यस्ता युवतीहरूकी प्रतिनिधि हुन्, जो पुरुषलाई साधन मात्र मान्छिन् । महिलाको जीवन विवाह गर्न, सन्तान जन्माउन एवं घरधन्दा गर्ने मात्र हो भन्ने मान्यता राख्नेहरूका लागि स्मिताजस्ता युवती अराजक लाग्न सक्छन् । उनको विचारमा पुरुषले महिलामाथि मायाको नाममा आफ्नो शारीरिक आवश्यकता मात्र पूरा गरेको छ । यौन आवश्यकता पुरुषको मात्र अधिकारको कुरा होइन, यो महिलालाई पनि आवश्यक छ भन्ने कुरा बुझेपछि उनले पनि पुरुषलाई त्यही रूपमा हेर्न थालेकी हुन् ।
स्मिताले पहिलो पटक साप्ताहिकमार्फत आफ्ना केही व्यक्तिगत रहस्य सार्वजनिक गरेकी छिन् । आफ्नो ‘ब्रेस्ट’ ठूलो भएकै कारण धेरै पुरुष आफूप्रति आकषिर्त भएको उनको अनुमान छ । थापा जंगली जनावरजस्तै आक्रामक पुरुष मन पर्ने कुरा पनि निर्धक्क बताउँछिन् । करिब एक दशक लामो आफ्नो यौनजीवनमा सबै किसिमको आसनको अनुभव गरेको उनले बताइन् । लामो अनुभवपछि उनको निष्कर्ष छ- ‘यो जति खाए पनि नअघाइने अमृत फल रहेछ ।’ नक्सालस्थित बाबर्ची रेस्टुराँमा चम्किलो गाडीमा अन्तर्वार्ता दिन आएकी स्मिताले हि्वस्कीको पेग लिनुअघि नै खुला रूपमा आफ्नो विचार व्यक्त गर्न थालेकी थिइन् । हि्वस्कीको पेग बढ्दै जाँदा उनी अझ खुल्दै गइन् ।
भनिन्छ, कतिपय पुरुष महिलालाई खेलौनाका रूपमा हेर्छन्, उनीहरू खेल्छन् र उपादेयता सकिएपछि फ्याँक्छन् । के यस्तै कुरा महिलाहरू पनि सोच्छन् ?
सोच्छन्, किन सोच्दैनन् ? म त्यस्तै युवती हुँ । पुरुषहरू मेरा खेलौना हुन् । मेरो शरीरले इच्छा गर्दा उनीहरूलाई युज गर्छु । सकिएपछि त्यसको उपादेयता पनि सकिन्छ ।
कति पुरुषसँग संगत गर्नुभयो ?
मैले १६ वर्षको उमेरदेखि पुरुषको संगत गर्दै आएकी छु । अहिलेसम्म कति पुगे होलान् भनेर गन्दा अल्मलिन्छु । धेरै पुगिसके, कति भन्नु ? -लामो हाँसो) ।
भनेपछि ती सबै खेलौना नै थिए ?
पहिले त ती ड्रीम ब्वाइ नै थिए । पछि-पछि मलाई पुरुष भनेका खेलौना हुन् भन्ने लाग्न थाल्यो ।
यस्तो सोच कहिलेदेखि आयो ?
पहिले शरीरको आवश्यकता पूरा गर्न सम्बन्ध राखें । कहिलेकाहीँ सम्बन्ध राख्दै जाँदा त्यो मायामा पनि परिणत भयो । मानिसको व्यवहार बुझ्दै जाँदा यो स्वार्थी जीव हो, यहाँ माया प्रेमको अर्थ छैन भन्ने कुरा जब मैले थाहा पाएँ त्यसयता मैले पनि पुरुषसँग ‘युज एन्ड थ्रो’ कै व्यवहार गर्न थालेकी छु ।
तपाईंको विचारमा पुरुष स्वार्थी कि महिला ?
म महिला भएकीले महिलालाई किन स्वार्थी भनौं ? पुरुष नै स्वार्थी हुन्छन् । महिलाहरू मायामा पग्लिन्छन्, तर पुरुष पग्लिएको मैले पाइन् । म कुनै पुरुषको मायामा पर्दा उसले मसँग विवाह गरेन । मायामा पग्लिने भए त हाम्रो विवाह भैहाल्थ्यो नि ।
विवाह गर्ने अनुकूल अवस्था नहुन पनि सक्छ नि, विवाह नगर्ने बित्तिकै पुरुषलाई स्वार्थी भन्न मिल्छ ?
पुरुषहरू विवाहअघि म जस्तै हट एन्ड सेक्सी गर्लप|mेन्ड चाहँदा रहेछन् । गाडीमा राख्यो, घुमायो, मोजमस्ती गर्यो । जब विवाहको कुरा आउँछ, उनीहरूलाई घर सम्हाल्ने, सीधा-साधा युवती चाहिन्छ । विवाहअघि पनि गर्ने त्यही हो, पछि पनि त्यही हो । त्यसो भए व्यवहारचाहिँ किन फरक ? त्यही भएर मैले स्वार्थी भनेकी हुँ ।
किनभने तपाईंहरू जस्ता युवतीलाई उनीहरूले खर्च गरेका हुन्छन्, स्वार्थकै लागि संगत गरेका हुन्छन्, होइन र ?
म कल गर्ल होइन । बरु मेरै पैसाबाट उनीहरूले मोज गरेका छन् । त्यस्ता युवती पनि होलान्, जसलाई खान-लाउन पुग्दैन, उनीहरूका लागि त्यसरी पैसा लिनु बाध्यता पनि होला, तर म त सम्पन्न घरकी युवती हुँ । मजस्ता खुला विचारका युवतीलाई देख्ने बित्तिकै समाजले गलत अर्थ लगाउँछ । हाम्रो समाजको धारणा नै गलत छ ।
तपाईं गाडी चढ्नुहुन्छ, फ्ल्याटमा बस्नुहुन्छ, कुनै काम नगरी यति ठूलो खर्च गर्ने, विचार र व्यवहार पनि त्यस्तै देखेपछि यस्तो सोच्नु स्वाभाविक नै हो नि, हो इन र ?
म मेरो व्यक्तिगत जीवनमा फेमिली ब्याकग्राउन्डको कुरा गर्न चाहन्नँ । यद्यपि यति भन्छु, म महिनाको ४-५ लाख खर्च गर्ने क्षमता राख्छु । म बी टेक गरेकी शिक्षित एवं सक्षम युवती हुँ ।
तपाईंको जीवनको उद्देश्य के हो ?
राम्रो मोडल बन्ने । खुसी साथ जीवन बिताउने । दुई-चारवटा एड गर्दा बजारबाट जुन रेस्पोन्स पाएँ, त्यसले मोडलिङमा रुचि बढ्दै गएको छ । बाँकी जीवन आफूले चाहे जस्तो गरी बिताउने । विशेषगरी नयाँ-नयाँ पुरुषसँग संगत गर्ने ।
सबैभन्दा पहिले पुरुषको संगत गर्नुभयो कि मोडल बन्ने चाहना राख्नुभयो ?
म स्कुलमा फरवार्ड थिएँ । राम्रो नाच्थें र एक्टिङ गर्थें, तर १६ वर्षदेखि नै पुरुषको संगत पनि गर्न थाले ।
पहिलोपल्ट संगत गरेको पुरुषको सम्झना छ ?
छ, मैले डान्समै उसलाई भेटेकी हुँ । उ २७ वर्ष जतिको थियो । उसँग मेरो ‘ओरल सेक्स’ भएको थियो ।
त्यति सानो उमेरमा कसरी यस्तो कुरा थाहा पाउनुभयो ?
त्यो आफैं थाहा पाउने कुरा हो । सेक्स त नेचुरल कुरा हो नि, होइन र ? फेरि ऊ निकै अनुभवी मानिस थियो, उसले नै मलाई सेक्सको महत्त्व सिकाएको हो ।
त्यो एक प्रकारको शोषण थियो भन्ने लाग्दैन ?
अहिले आएर लाग्छ । किनभने उसले मेरो चाहना पूरा गर्दैनथ्यो । यद्यपि उसलाई सन्तुष्टि दिने क्रममा मलाई जुन आनन्द आउँथ्यो, त्यसबाट म सन्तुष्ट थिएँ ।
दोस्रो पुरुष पनि सम्झनुहुन्छ ?
सम्झन्छु । त्यसबेला म १७ वर्षकी थिएँ । उसँग मेरो प्राकृतिक सम्पर्क भएको थियो । म पहिलो पटक साँच्चैकी युवती भएकी थिएँ । ऊ भने ३१ वर्षको थियो ।
तपाईंलाई पाको पुरुष नै मनपर्नुको कारण ?
किनभने उनीहरू अनुभवी हुन्छन् ।
अर्को कुरा पाको मानिससँग उठबस गर्दा अरूले अनावश्यक शंका पनि गर्दैनन् । मैले अहिलेसम्म आफू सेफ साइडमा बसेर जीवन बिताएकी छु ।
अहिलेसम्म मैले गलत गरें भन्ने पश्चाताप छैन ?
एकपल्ट ४० वर्षको पाको मानिस मलाई यति मनपर्यो कि उसलाई फकाउने क्रममा उसको कारमै हाम्रो सम्बन्ध भएको थियो । त्यसबेला उसले मेरा बारेमा के सोच्यो होला भन्ने पीर लागिरह्यो । मलाई लाग्यो मेरो शरीर आवश्यकताभन्दा बढी भोको छ । यो राम्रो कुरा होइन भन्ने लागेको थियो ।
तर त्यो बानी परिवर्तन भएन ?
भएन, ऊ मबाट यति प्रभावित भयो कि मेरा लागि सबैथोक छाड्छु भन्न थाल्यो । उसको परिवार बिग्रने डर भएपछि म साइड लागें । किनभने उसका श्रीमती, छोरा-छोरी थिए । मेरो उद्देश्य ऊसँग सम्बन्ध राख्ने मात्र थियो, परिवार बिगार्ने थिएन ।
कति समयमा तपाईं केटा फेर्नुहुन्छ ?
यति समय भन्ने छैन, तर एउटा पुरुषसँग संगत गर्दा अरू पुरुषसँग उठबस गर्दिन । मलाई मनै लाग्दैन । आफ्नो ब्वाइप|mेन्डमाथि अन्याय भएजस्तो लाग्छ ।
यौनसम्बन्धमा माया प्रेमको भूमिका हुनुपर्छ कि पर्दैन ?
प्रेम र सेक्स फरक कुरा हुन् । यद्यपि सेक्समा पे्रम भयो भने त्यो सुनौलो हुँदो रहेछ । नेपालीमा उखान छ नि, सुनमा सुगन्ध, प्रेम भएको अवस्थामा सेक्सको त्यही महत्त्व छ ।
यति लामो यौनजीवनमा कतिपटक सुनमा सुगन्ध महसुस गर्नुभयो ?
एकपटक । केही वर्ष पहिले एकजना सञ्चारकर्मीसँग मेरो संगत भएको थियो । आफू सेफ हुन मैले उसँग संगत गरेकी थिएँ, तर एक वर्ष नबित्दै उसँग मेरो प्रेम हुन गयो । म उसको मायामा यति धेरै पग्लिएछु कि ऊसँग मात्र मैले तीन वर्ष संगत गरें । त्यसबेला मलाई लाग्यो, सेक्सको आनन्द प्रेममा रहेछ, तर के गर्नु उसले मसँग विवाह गर्न मानेन ।
उसले विवाह गर्न नमान्नुको कारण के होला ?
म उमेरले सानी भएँ रे । संगत गर्दाचाहिँ सानी नहुने, विवाह गर्दाचाहिँ सानी हुने ? म त्यसबेला खुब रोएकी थिएँ ।
त्यसो भए विवाह गरेर लाइफ सेटल गरे भैहाल्यो नि ?
उसले धोका दिएपछि प्रेमप्रति मेरो विश्वास रहेन । त्यसपछि मैले पुरुषको भावनामा बग्नुहुन्न, बरु पुरुषलाई युज गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने कुरा बुझें । अब मलाई लोग्ने होइन, लोग्नेमानिस चाहिएको छ ।
सधैंभरि यस्तो जीवन कसरी चल्छ ?
मलाई थाहा छ, मोडलिङको पनि आफ्नो उमेर हुन्छ । यसरी रमाइलो गर्नुको पनि एउटा समय हुन्छ । त्यसैले दुइटी धर्मपुत्री पाल्दैछु । एक करोडको लगानीमा एउटा बिजनेस सुरु गर्दैछु । आम्दानी भएको पैसाले समाजसेवा गर्छु । जसरी होस्, जीवन मोजमा बिताउँछु । अहिले मोडलिङमा मेरो चर्चा छ, भोलि समाजसेवामा मेरो नाम रहनेछ ।
विवाह नगरेपछि आफ्ना सन्तान हुँदैनन्, यसले एउटा महिलाको जीवन अपूरो भयो नि ?
सन्तानका लागि विवाह किन गर्नुपर्यो र ? मलाई एउटा यस्तो लोग्नेमानिस चाहिएको छ, जो हेन्डसम होस्, असल व्यवहारको होस् । उसलाई म आफ्नो सन्तानको बुवा बनाउन चाहन्छु, तर त्यसमा उसको अधिकार हुनेछैन । त्यो मेरो मात्र सन्तान हुनेछ ।
source – saptahik)
Stylish ladies of the week
Here we are back with the weekly scoop on the best looks of the week! Check out what’s the Bollywood trend this week.
The style swan Sonam Kapoor again made a fashion splash this week. The actress was seen at The Le Mill-FarFetch do wearing a red Alaïa outfit. It’s a dress with very unique silhouette. It may have looked like a maxi but the bottom had a flared skirt like look. Since Sonam loves a bit of edge in her style, gold earcuffs and a quirky chain-clutch completed her look.
Moving on from Sonam, our other favourite, the chirpy and very vivacious Jacqueline Fernandez was also at The Le Mill-FarFetch do clad in a fitted Peter Pilotto Dress. In fact, Jacqueline was spotted at three other events this week, and she was simply fabulous in each look. Catch her glimpse in the coming slides.
Sonakshi Sinha also features in our list this week. The actress has started promoting her movie Bullett Raja, and was spotted rocking the sleek LBD on a TV show.
Other than the Sonams and Sonakshis, don’t miss the diva Sridevi, the ‘Raanjhanaa’ girl Swara Bhaskar and many others in this week’s style check.
TV actor Gurmeet Choudhary, the winner of dance reality show "Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 5", is all set for another dance competition with "Nach Baliye 6". He is keen to experiment with more dance forms when he gets on the floor with his actress wife Debina Bonerjee.
"For the first time we are dancing together and I am sure the audience will love it. The second thing is that since I won 'Jhalak...', people know that I am good at dancing so they must be expecting something new and that's a challenge for us," Gurmeet Choudhary told IANS.
"Our motive is to do something different on the show, something that the audience has not seen, so that every week the audience waits for our performance," he added.
The couple first shared screen space in the mythological show "Ramayan". They tied the knot in 2011.
After "Ramayan" this is the first time they will be seen on screen together.
Nach Baliye 6: Check out first six finalized couples
Talking about ''Nach Baliye" Debina Bonerjee says "It's my favourite show. Gurmeet and I have been following it since the first season. We did 'Ramayan', and now 'Nach Baliye 6' has given us a good opportunity to be together. I am like a 'Nach Baliye' dictionary. I can tell you exactly which participant wore what in the previous seasons.
"We saw the first season together and I always wanted to be a part of 'Nach Baliye'. We actually opted to be on TV so that we can participate in the show. I have already picturised me and Gurmeet Choudhary performing on 'Nach Baliye' sets," she added.
Gurmeet Choudhary and Debina Bonerjee both feel that their journey in the show will not be a professional one. They won't have any strategies as they both want to enjoy their togetherness.
"We don't think it will be a professional journey for us. We have each other for support and help, so it will be more of an emotional one. We have not chalked out a strategy, we will take things as they come," the couple said.
"Nach Baliye" is a celebrity couple dance reality show that first went on air in 2005.
Judged by actress Shilpa Shetty, director Sajid Khan and choreographer Terence Lewis, "Nach Baliye 6" is expected to go on air in November on Star Plus.
"For the first time we are dancing together and I am sure the audience will love it. The second thing is that since I won 'Jhalak...', people know that I am good at dancing so they must be expecting something new and that's a challenge for us," Gurmeet Choudhary told IANS.
"Our motive is to do something different on the show, something that the audience has not seen, so that every week the audience waits for our performance," he added.
The couple first shared screen space in the mythological show "Ramayan". They tied the knot in 2011.
After "Ramayan" this is the first time they will be seen on screen together.
Nach Baliye 6: Check out first six finalized couples
Talking about ''Nach Baliye" Debina Bonerjee says "It's my favourite show. Gurmeet and I have been following it since the first season. We did 'Ramayan', and now 'Nach Baliye 6' has given us a good opportunity to be together. I am like a 'Nach Baliye' dictionary. I can tell you exactly which participant wore what in the previous seasons.
"We saw the first season together and I always wanted to be a part of 'Nach Baliye'. We actually opted to be on TV so that we can participate in the show. I have already picturised me and Gurmeet Choudhary performing on 'Nach Baliye' sets," she added.
Gurmeet Choudhary and Debina Bonerjee both feel that their journey in the show will not be a professional one. They won't have any strategies as they both want to enjoy their togetherness.
"We don't think it will be a professional journey for us. We have each other for support and help, so it will be more of an emotional one. We have not chalked out a strategy, we will take things as they come," the couple said.
"Nach Baliye" is a celebrity couple dance reality show that first went on air in 2005.
Judged by actress Shilpa Shetty, director Sajid Khan and choreographer Terence Lewis, "Nach Baliye 6" is expected to go on air in November on Star Plus.
You have already seen the first look of Priyanka Chopra's sensational avatar in Ram-leela. Now, the actress reveals that the song is like a modern-day mujra.
Actress Priyanka Chopra, who has done an item song in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Ram-leela', describes it as a modern mujra which has Indian vibes with a western touch.
"The song is very different and special because I am a huge fan of Mr. Bhansali. It's a modern mujra which you all have not seen for a long time. It's a mujra, but modern. It's got Indian music and vibes, but still western and contemporary.
“It has got a different look, different form of dancing and I didn’t have time to rehearse. I used to rehearse at night," Priyanka told reporters here.
Aishwarya Rai was reportedly approached for the item song before Priyanka Chopra.
“Ram-leela” features Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone in the lead.
Birthday Girl Kim Kardashian
American reality TV star Kim Kardashian turns 33 today. She has planned a party in Vegas but her beau Kanye West might miss it.
It seems socialite Kim Kardashian will have to spend her birthday away from boyfriend Kanye West.
Kim will turn 33 Monday and will host a party in Las Vegas where guests have to pay in order to meet her. But her beau Kanye West will have to skip the bash as he would be performing at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in sin city itself, reports
The couple have a four-month-old daughter North West.
Hot Poonam
Bollywood hottie Poonam Pandey stepped out in a revealing dress at the birthday party of Yogesh Lakhani at Peninsula Grand in Mumbai on Wednesday.
The halter neck dress left nothing of Poonam’s cleavage unexposed and what more, the side peek gave an ample view of her assets. No wonder the siren caught much attention from the paparazzi at the event.
She even gave a good peek of her back (see photos ahead). Poonam Pandey has admitted in the past that she hates wearing bras and she wasn’t seen in one at this event. We don’t doubt that her fans would find Poonam not just hot but also beautiful in this look.
Meanwhile, on Twitter, Poonam has been doling out tips to win a woman’s heart
“Call a Woman beautiful and you will get her attention. Make her feel Beautiful and you will get her Heart.;)” writes the hottie.
Bollywood hottie Poonam Pandey stepped out in a revealing dress at the birthday party of Yogesh Lakhani at Peninsula Grand in Mumbai on Wednesday.
The halter neck dress left nothing of Poonam’s cleavage unexposed and what more, the side peek gave an ample view of her assets. No wonder the siren caught much attention from the paparazzi at the event.
She even gave a good peek of her back (see photos ahead). Poonam Pandey has admitted in the past that she hates wearing bras and she wasn’t seen in one at this event. We don’t doubt that her fans would find Poonam not just hot but also beautiful in this look.
Meanwhile, on Twitter, Poonam has been doling out tips to win a woman’s heart
“Call a Woman beautiful and you will get her attention. Make her feel Beautiful and you will get her Heart.;)” writes the hottie.
What’s the quickest way for a female wannabe to hit a jackpot in showbiz if she hasn’t got a godfather nor the patience to slog for a lucky break? Strip! The likes of Sherlyn Chopra and Poonam Pandey have been trailblazers and now we see similar eager-to-strip wannabes yenning for their fifteen minutes of fame.
The economics of the art of stripping works on a simple rule: lesser the clothes, the more the eyeballs grabbed. Talent, or the lack of it, can take a walk. What one needs is, first of all, a Twitter account or a Facebook page, and a couple of drooling followers. What one doesn’t need is inhibitions. Put right, this combination, plus a good cameraman with an eye to capture sensuality, can catapult a siren from anonymity to fame overnight.
This is the mantra the likes of Poonam Pandey, Sherlyn Chopra, Sakshi Pradhan, Madhavi Sharma, Madhurima Tulli and a lot of others have happily piggybacked on.
If Poonam has been rechristening herself as ‘Bikini’ Pandey, then Sherlyn recently stole a march on her by posting a naked image of hers. Poonam responded by posting a topless image of hers. And just a few days back we saw the otherwise demure Sneha Ullal (almost forgotten in Bollywood) posting a racy video of hers online.
The economics of the art of stripping works on a simple rule: lesser the clothes, the more the eyeballs grabbed. Talent, or the lack of it, can take a walk. What one needs is, first of all, a Twitter account or a Facebook page, and a couple of drooling followers. What one doesn’t need is inhibitions. Put right, this combination, plus a good cameraman with an eye to capture sensuality, can catapult a siren from anonymity to fame overnight.
This is the mantra the likes of Poonam Pandey, Sherlyn Chopra, Sakshi Pradhan, Madhavi Sharma, Madhurima Tulli and a lot of others have happily piggybacked on.
If Poonam has been rechristening herself as ‘Bikini’ Pandey, then Sherlyn recently stole a march on her by posting a naked image of hers. Poonam responded by posting a topless image of hers. And just a few days back we saw the otherwise demure Sneha Ullal (almost forgotten in Bollywood) posting a racy video of hers online.
Bollywood has hedged around the subject of sex for a long time. But, with the coming of new-age movies, the mercury is on the rise.
The portrayal of steamy scenes which was once considered taboo is now welcomed although with a hint of skepticism.
We decided to bare the heat and bring you a list of the top 20 sexy movies of Bollywood that is high on the 'sex' quotient.
Shuddh Desi Romance
The movie boasts of 27 kissing scenes! Shuddh Desi Romance is a rom-com with an interesting love triangle between Sushant Singh Rajput, Parineeti Chopra and Vaani Kapoor.
Arjun Kapoor and Sasha Agha, sizzle in Aurangzeb. Their lovemaking is quite intense and bold. While the lady had no qualms in shooting the bold scenes, Arjun before the shoot was cautious as he wanted to get the shot right.
Shootout at Wadala
The lovemaking scene between John Abraham and Kangna Ranaut in Shootout at Wadala is one of the major reasons why people flocked to the theatres! It's a completely different story that the movie turned out to be quite a watch!
The intense lovemaking scene between Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal in Heroine had the audience moving in their seats. That's what happens when two good looking people come together in bed. The outcome was steamy!
The Dirty Picture
The Dirty Picture was bold. From faking an orgasm to visiting a porno film producer's den, Vidya Balan did it all! The movie explored the issues of the casting couch too.
That Girl In Yellow Boots
That Girl In Yellow Boots explored strong sexual themes. The film was an unnerving story of pain. Kalki Koechlin and Prashant Prakash sizzled on-screen.
7 Khoon Maaf
Priyanka Chopra dropped her clothes at the drop of a hat in 7 Khoon Maaf. The movie had bold scenes of Priyanka with Vivaan Shah, Annu Kapoor, Irrfan Khan, Naseeruddin Shah and Neil Nitin Mukesh.
Delhi Belly
Delhi Belly had a free flow of obscene dialogue and objectionable lyrics. But, that wasn't all! We saw, Imran Khan going down on Shehnaz Treasurywala in the movie. Not to forget the scene where Poorna Jagganathan and Imran faked sex in a hotel room.
Sahib, Biwi aur Gangster
Sahib Biwi Aur Gangster saw Mahie Gill's character obsessed with sex. The movie changed the laws of courtship. Her kinky lovemaking scene with Randeep Hooda where they record it on a cellphone is worth mentioning.
Desi Boyz
A film that explored the concept of gigolos, Desi Boyz saw John Abraham and Akshay Kumar play the part of strippers quite well. Although the movie did not have many objectionable scenes the concept in itself was progressive.
Love, Sex Aur Dhokha (LSD)
The name says it all! The movie was based on sex scandals, MMS and reality. LSD had three sub-plots- MMS, honour killings, and sting operations. Its boldness shocked many.
Ragini MMS
Ragini MMS had everybody talking. The movie took the meaning of voyeurism to a completely new level and had all the visual offing you could think of.
Aitraaz had Priyanka playing the role of a powerful boss seducing her junior (Akshay Kumar) with whom she has a scandalous history. She played the role of a scheming woman to perfection.
Jism grabbed everybody's attention. The whole nation was left talking about it. Considered as a classic among the boldest movies of Bollywood, Jism saw a lot of hot lovemaking and sparks flying between Bipasha and John.
Jism 2
Just like its prequel, Jism 2 had everybody interested. One of the main reasons being Sunny Leone as the leading lady. People waited with baited breath for her to appear on the big-screen. The movie fulfilled their expectations.
Julie had Neha Dhupia in a bold avatar. She created ripples when she went topless for the posters of the film. The movie was about a small-town girl who turned into a high society prostitute.
Fundamentalists in the country burned down theatres when Deepa Mehta's Fire was released. The movie explored the subject of physical desires and needs of a woman satisfied by another woman. Nandita Das and Shabana Azmi made a lot of people uneasy.
Girlfriend was a film that highlighted lesbian love. However, it did not tackle the subject well and turned out to be a tasteless movie full of explicit scenes between Isha Koppikar and Amrita Arora.
With Emran Hashmi in the frame you cannot expect a clean movie. Murder saw Mallika Sherawat and Emran Hashmi engage in bold and intimate scenes.
Murder 2
Jacqueline Fernandez was quite an eye candy in Murder 2. Her bare-it-all acts in the film had the temperatures rising. We had Emran Hashmi to give her company!
Khwahish was controversy queen, Mallika Sherawat's debut movie based on an extra marital affair that goes bad. Mallika Sherwat and Himanshu Mallik shared 17 kisses in the film.
The portrayal of steamy scenes which was once considered taboo is now welcomed although with a hint of skepticism.
We decided to bare the heat and bring you a list of the top 20 sexy movies of Bollywood that is high on the 'sex' quotient.
Shuddh Desi Romance
The movie boasts of 27 kissing scenes! Shuddh Desi Romance is a rom-com with an interesting love triangle between Sushant Singh Rajput, Parineeti Chopra and Vaani Kapoor.
Arjun Kapoor and Sasha Agha, sizzle in Aurangzeb. Their lovemaking is quite intense and bold. While the lady had no qualms in shooting the bold scenes, Arjun before the shoot was cautious as he wanted to get the shot right.
Shootout at Wadala
The lovemaking scene between John Abraham and Kangna Ranaut in Shootout at Wadala is one of the major reasons why people flocked to the theatres! It's a completely different story that the movie turned out to be quite a watch!
The intense lovemaking scene between Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal in Heroine had the audience moving in their seats. That's what happens when two good looking people come together in bed. The outcome was steamy!
The Dirty Picture
The Dirty Picture was bold. From faking an orgasm to visiting a porno film producer's den, Vidya Balan did it all! The movie explored the issues of the casting couch too.
That Girl In Yellow Boots
That Girl In Yellow Boots explored strong sexual themes. The film was an unnerving story of pain. Kalki Koechlin and Prashant Prakash sizzled on-screen.
7 Khoon Maaf
Priyanka Chopra dropped her clothes at the drop of a hat in 7 Khoon Maaf. The movie had bold scenes of Priyanka with Vivaan Shah, Annu Kapoor, Irrfan Khan, Naseeruddin Shah and Neil Nitin Mukesh.
Delhi Belly
Delhi Belly had a free flow of obscene dialogue and objectionable lyrics. But, that wasn't all! We saw, Imran Khan going down on Shehnaz Treasurywala in the movie. Not to forget the scene where Poorna Jagganathan and Imran faked sex in a hotel room.
Sahib, Biwi aur Gangster
Sahib Biwi Aur Gangster saw Mahie Gill's character obsessed with sex. The movie changed the laws of courtship. Her kinky lovemaking scene with Randeep Hooda where they record it on a cellphone is worth mentioning.
Desi Boyz
A film that explored the concept of gigolos, Desi Boyz saw John Abraham and Akshay Kumar play the part of strippers quite well. Although the movie did not have many objectionable scenes the concept in itself was progressive.
Love, Sex Aur Dhokha (LSD)
The name says it all! The movie was based on sex scandals, MMS and reality. LSD had three sub-plots- MMS, honour killings, and sting operations. Its boldness shocked many.
Ragini MMS
Ragini MMS had everybody talking. The movie took the meaning of voyeurism to a completely new level and had all the visual offing you could think of.
Aitraaz had Priyanka playing the role of a powerful boss seducing her junior (Akshay Kumar) with whom she has a scandalous history. She played the role of a scheming woman to perfection.
Jism grabbed everybody's attention. The whole nation was left talking about it. Considered as a classic among the boldest movies of Bollywood, Jism saw a lot of hot lovemaking and sparks flying between Bipasha and John.
Jism 2
Just like its prequel, Jism 2 had everybody interested. One of the main reasons being Sunny Leone as the leading lady. People waited with baited breath for her to appear on the big-screen. The movie fulfilled their expectations.
Julie had Neha Dhupia in a bold avatar. She created ripples when she went topless for the posters of the film. The movie was about a small-town girl who turned into a high society prostitute.
Fundamentalists in the country burned down theatres when Deepa Mehta's Fire was released. The movie explored the subject of physical desires and needs of a woman satisfied by another woman. Nandita Das and Shabana Azmi made a lot of people uneasy.
Girlfriend was a film that highlighted lesbian love. However, it did not tackle the subject well and turned out to be a tasteless movie full of explicit scenes between Isha Koppikar and Amrita Arora.
With Emran Hashmi in the frame you cannot expect a clean movie. Murder saw Mallika Sherawat and Emran Hashmi engage in bold and intimate scenes.
Murder 2
Jacqueline Fernandez was quite an eye candy in Murder 2. Her bare-it-all acts in the film had the temperatures rising. We had Emran Hashmi to give her company!
Khwahish was controversy queen, Mallika Sherawat's debut movie based on an extra marital affair that goes bad. Mallika Sherwat and Himanshu Mallik shared 17 kisses in the film.
It’s difficult for me to get over my father’s betrayal: Mallika Sherawat
Mallika Sherawat is a woman who dared. She is impatient, stubborn and self-spoilt. She is extremely disciplined and is anal about her vegan food. She has a soulmate in her brother and knows that she is confident but vulnerable. Much as one thinks that she stays in LA, she actually still lives in Mumbai. She opens up to TOI just ahead of her upcoming show 'The Bachelorette India — Mere Khayalon Ki Mallika' on Life OK, about the role of Jackie Chan in shaping her destiny, her love for the joint family system and how she still longs for her father to accept her. Excerpts:
Let's talk about your childhood?
I am from a small village in Haryana called Moth. My father was an engineer with the Haryana government and we were a normal middle-class joint family. After completing my primary education from Nirvana, I moved to Delhi due to my father moving there and went to DPS Mathura Road and then Miranda House. I was brought up in an extremely patriarchal and male dominated house. Women were just meant to breed and girls from good families were not supposed to work and there was a stigma attached to it. My mom lived with me in Delhi and we would go to the village over the weekends. Right from my childhood, I would stand in front of the mirror and copy Madhuri's steps in Ek Do Teen but my mom would never encourage it and she would always ask me to cook or say, 'paath padho'. I don't remember a single night when my father allowed me to stay over at a friend's place while I was in Delhi. I saw most of my cousin sisters around me being in very violent alliances. It started affecting me. Some of my friends had got married to men just to keep the respect of their parents. They were not allowed to complete their education and would just be waiting for their husbands. There was money, but money is not a substitute for freedom. That kind of made my resolve more strong. I realised that I had only one life and ran away from home to chase my dreams to become an actress in Mumbai.
How did your family deal with that?
My father (Mukesh Lamba) absolutely disowned me and disallowed me to even use his last name. So I had no choice but to use my mom's maiden name Sherawat and from Reema Lamba, I became Mallika Sherawat.
Has he accepted you now?
Not really and it is still unresolved with him. A couple of years back, there was an assassination attempt on me for saying that in Haryana, women are treated like cattle at which point my brother got worried and shifted in with me to look after me. My father's relatives would have taunted him and said, 'badchallan hai, family ke muh pe kala daag hai', but I still felt very alone and hurt as anything could have happened to me then but still he did not call me. Now that I am more mature, there is no resentment, but there is still anger and lot of hurt in me. My brother Vikram has always been attached to me and is my soulmate. After a while I started seeing my father in him and he became my pillar of strength. So much time has gone by and God has given you so much but you never recover from that pain. It's difficult to get over my father's betrayal as a protector that you expect as a young girl. I am his blood and who else can you look up to if not your own father? I am very attached to my mom. Moms are softer but can't be blamed as they do exactly what their husbands tell them as they are too gullible. She visits us in Mumbai when she can. While my mother does not tell me directly, I get a feeling my father is softening and I just want my father to love me again.
What makes you most proud?
I sold the little jewellery my nani had given me to come to Mumbai. I struggled and stayed in a hole in Juhu from where I would go and give my auditions. The AC bus from Lokhandwala to town used to cost `50 that pinched me, so I started going in trains. I landed a car brand ad with Shah Rukh Khan through which I got noticed. I auditioned against many girls and landed my first role in Khwahish. The way I look at it, the place I come from where women don't even get a chance in life, the very fact that I can pay my own bills and am independent is my biggest success. I don't want anything else.
Talk about your brother?
He is very calm unlike me. I am hyper and have no patience. He will always take a deep breath and thinks before he talks. I always blurt out everything that comes in my mouth and never regret anything I say.
You have gone from Haryana to Hollywood. What do you connect with more?
The memories that always come back to me are those from my village. I am a daughter of the soil who loves joint families. I don't like the culture of the nuclear family and remember how everyone would get together for dinner, bitching and gossiping and laughing with the taus and tais. My being headstrong and wanting to do my own thing comes from there.
How did you get into Hollywood?
Jackie Chan has a big hand in shaping my destiny there. He cast me in his film. Everyone says it was just a two-minute role but I want to know which Indian actor in any case had a larger role. I am still in touch with him. He is very simple, humble and very naughty and very charitable. He reminds me of a Chinese emperor as he always has an entourage of 100 people with him. Whenever I meet him or take my friends to meet him, he is so warm. Like me, he too comes from humble beginnings and is a self-made man. He has a spring in his feet and can't stay put in one place. He knows my story and encourages me and has put his entire PR machinery behind me in LA as I cultivated that kind of bond with him. He has a great marriage and I spent some time with his family in Hong Kong.
Do you find a difference between Indian and international journalists?
The majority of the journalists in India who call themselves journalists are just gossip columnists. They don't quote you correctly and don't feel a sense of responsibility. Internationally, they are more responsible and they don't misquote you. Here I feel they are in this job as they did not get a job anywhere else but internationally, they are well educated and well researched when they meet you.
Have you fallen in love?
Only once and had a heartbreak. That was my first love. It took me years to recover and it was traumatic. People assume I am strong but the fact is that I have not found true love yet and am extremely lonely. Every Indian man you meet treats you like a trophy and cannot see you beyond your kisses and your body. That is a struggle for me. I am hoping I find that someone special on camera through my show that I was not able to find off-camera. And I am enjoying it, even if it is make-believe attention. These boys from morning to night would keep saying 'I love you' and I loved it. I am such a sucker for romance. And you do have the feeling that it is not real but when one of the boys actually held me in his arms at Taj Mahal I actually thought I am Mumtaz Mahal. But reality hits you when you come home to empty walls. Even though it's just a dating show, I am open to the fact that if I like the person a lot, then I don't mind giving it a fair chance.
After Murder, why did you not work with the Bhatts again?
I hold Bhatt sahab in high esteem. He was always there for me and I adore him. It was my fault that after Murder, I had started flying too high. I had these filmi secretaries who influenced my mind so even though I was offered Gangster, I landed up not doing it for money reasons. That strained my relationship with the Bhatts and was a sad chapter in my life. I still miss Bhatt sahab.
Is it a conscious decision for you to not do Bollywood?
I want to do Bollywood films, but I feel trapped in my screen image. It's difficult for some directors to see beyond that. I am not a party person. I go to bed by 10 at night and get up in the morning at 6 to do my yoga and lead a very disciplined and boring life. I have never compromised myself as a woman to get a role and never will. That is one of the main reasons I am not getting work. I have had some big stars calling me to say, 'If you do this, we will get you this.' But Bhatt sahab taught me one thing, 'you don't become gold by touching gold. You should not piggyback your career on a hero's back as he will drop you with the coming of the next young actress.' I can proudly say, that whatever be my career, it is mine. I do item numbers for commercial reasons. As a single woman, I need to take care of myself and they pay handsomely. I have not even had a rumoured link-up in Bollywood. I don't have a filmy boyfriend to put me in 10 films. Due to my on-screen image, men prejudge me and take liberties with me. In reality, I feel hurt by it and it humiliates me. Just because I have a glamorous image on screen, why should I be judged? That's my work.
Let's talk about your childhood?
I am from a small village in Haryana called Moth. My father was an engineer with the Haryana government and we were a normal middle-class joint family. After completing my primary education from Nirvana, I moved to Delhi due to my father moving there and went to DPS Mathura Road and then Miranda House. I was brought up in an extremely patriarchal and male dominated house. Women were just meant to breed and girls from good families were not supposed to work and there was a stigma attached to it. My mom lived with me in Delhi and we would go to the village over the weekends. Right from my childhood, I would stand in front of the mirror and copy Madhuri's steps in Ek Do Teen but my mom would never encourage it and she would always ask me to cook or say, 'paath padho'. I don't remember a single night when my father allowed me to stay over at a friend's place while I was in Delhi. I saw most of my cousin sisters around me being in very violent alliances. It started affecting me. Some of my friends had got married to men just to keep the respect of their parents. They were not allowed to complete their education and would just be waiting for their husbands. There was money, but money is not a substitute for freedom. That kind of made my resolve more strong. I realised that I had only one life and ran away from home to chase my dreams to become an actress in Mumbai.
How did your family deal with that?
My father (Mukesh Lamba) absolutely disowned me and disallowed me to even use his last name. So I had no choice but to use my mom's maiden name Sherawat and from Reema Lamba, I became Mallika Sherawat.
Has he accepted you now?
Not really and it is still unresolved with him. A couple of years back, there was an assassination attempt on me for saying that in Haryana, women are treated like cattle at which point my brother got worried and shifted in with me to look after me. My father's relatives would have taunted him and said, 'badchallan hai, family ke muh pe kala daag hai', but I still felt very alone and hurt as anything could have happened to me then but still he did not call me. Now that I am more mature, there is no resentment, but there is still anger and lot of hurt in me. My brother Vikram has always been attached to me and is my soulmate. After a while I started seeing my father in him and he became my pillar of strength. So much time has gone by and God has given you so much but you never recover from that pain. It's difficult to get over my father's betrayal as a protector that you expect as a young girl. I am his blood and who else can you look up to if not your own father? I am very attached to my mom. Moms are softer but can't be blamed as they do exactly what their husbands tell them as they are too gullible. She visits us in Mumbai when she can. While my mother does not tell me directly, I get a feeling my father is softening and I just want my father to love me again.
What makes you most proud?
I sold the little jewellery my nani had given me to come to Mumbai. I struggled and stayed in a hole in Juhu from where I would go and give my auditions. The AC bus from Lokhandwala to town used to cost `50 that pinched me, so I started going in trains. I landed a car brand ad with Shah Rukh Khan through which I got noticed. I auditioned against many girls and landed my first role in Khwahish. The way I look at it, the place I come from where women don't even get a chance in life, the very fact that I can pay my own bills and am independent is my biggest success. I don't want anything else.
Talk about your brother?
He is very calm unlike me. I am hyper and have no patience. He will always take a deep breath and thinks before he talks. I always blurt out everything that comes in my mouth and never regret anything I say.
You have gone from Haryana to Hollywood. What do you connect with more?
The memories that always come back to me are those from my village. I am a daughter of the soil who loves joint families. I don't like the culture of the nuclear family and remember how everyone would get together for dinner, bitching and gossiping and laughing with the taus and tais. My being headstrong and wanting to do my own thing comes from there.
How did you get into Hollywood?
Jackie Chan has a big hand in shaping my destiny there. He cast me in his film. Everyone says it was just a two-minute role but I want to know which Indian actor in any case had a larger role. I am still in touch with him. He is very simple, humble and very naughty and very charitable. He reminds me of a Chinese emperor as he always has an entourage of 100 people with him. Whenever I meet him or take my friends to meet him, he is so warm. Like me, he too comes from humble beginnings and is a self-made man. He has a spring in his feet and can't stay put in one place. He knows my story and encourages me and has put his entire PR machinery behind me in LA as I cultivated that kind of bond with him. He has a great marriage and I spent some time with his family in Hong Kong.
Do you find a difference between Indian and international journalists?
The majority of the journalists in India who call themselves journalists are just gossip columnists. They don't quote you correctly and don't feel a sense of responsibility. Internationally, they are more responsible and they don't misquote you. Here I feel they are in this job as they did not get a job anywhere else but internationally, they are well educated and well researched when they meet you.
Have you fallen in love?
Only once and had a heartbreak. That was my first love. It took me years to recover and it was traumatic. People assume I am strong but the fact is that I have not found true love yet and am extremely lonely. Every Indian man you meet treats you like a trophy and cannot see you beyond your kisses and your body. That is a struggle for me. I am hoping I find that someone special on camera through my show that I was not able to find off-camera. And I am enjoying it, even if it is make-believe attention. These boys from morning to night would keep saying 'I love you' and I loved it. I am such a sucker for romance. And you do have the feeling that it is not real but when one of the boys actually held me in his arms at Taj Mahal I actually thought I am Mumtaz Mahal. But reality hits you when you come home to empty walls. Even though it's just a dating show, I am open to the fact that if I like the person a lot, then I don't mind giving it a fair chance.
After Murder, why did you not work with the Bhatts again?
I hold Bhatt sahab in high esteem. He was always there for me and I adore him. It was my fault that after Murder, I had started flying too high. I had these filmi secretaries who influenced my mind so even though I was offered Gangster, I landed up not doing it for money reasons. That strained my relationship with the Bhatts and was a sad chapter in my life. I still miss Bhatt sahab.
Is it a conscious decision for you to not do Bollywood?
I want to do Bollywood films, but I feel trapped in my screen image. It's difficult for some directors to see beyond that. I am not a party person. I go to bed by 10 at night and get up in the morning at 6 to do my yoga and lead a very disciplined and boring life. I have never compromised myself as a woman to get a role and never will. That is one of the main reasons I am not getting work. I have had some big stars calling me to say, 'If you do this, we will get you this.' But Bhatt sahab taught me one thing, 'you don't become gold by touching gold. You should not piggyback your career on a hero's back as he will drop you with the coming of the next young actress.' I can proudly say, that whatever be my career, it is mine. I do item numbers for commercial reasons. As a single woman, I need to take care of myself and they pay handsomely. I have not even had a rumoured link-up in Bollywood. I don't have a filmy boyfriend to put me in 10 films. Due to my on-screen image, men prejudge me and take liberties with me. In reality, I feel hurt by it and it humiliates me. Just because I have a glamorous image on screen, why should I be judged? That's my work.
Salman Khan is expert in pulling legs of the Bigg Boss contestants basically ladies. It was not too long when he compared Elli Avram to his ex-girlfriend Katrina Kaif and now the Bollywood superstar named his ex-girlfriend Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on Bigg Boss 7.
On Sunday episode, when Sallu was interacting with the housemates, he surprised all when he compared Shilpa Agnihotri with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. After Salman and Aishwarya broke-up, the superstar hardly spoke in public about Ash or mouthed her name but the last Sunday episode turned to be an exceptional. After several years, Ash spoke in the national TV about his ex-flame Aishwarya Rai who is married to Abhishek Bachchan.
He told Shilpa, “you look a lot like Aishwarya” but quickly added Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. He then turned to Shilpa’s husband Apoorva Agnihotri and said whether he had paid Shilpa the same compliment ever and asked if he had married Shilpa for the very reason, Apoorva said he too feels the same. Besieged with the compliment, Shilpa thanked Salman.
Salman didn’t stop pulling legs of the other contestants as well and entertained them with his jokes and one-liner. The episode was fun-filled.
‘Bigg Boss 7’ aired on Colors started with 16 contestants of which three contestants already voted out. Inspired from the concept of Hollywood popular reality show, Bigg Brother, ‘Bigg Boss’ running successfully on Colors. Basically controversial celebrities from various walks of life are selected for the show.
For three months, the contestants will be locked inside the house and they will be under the surveillance of cameras installed in the house. The concept of this season is hell and heaven where the housemates with experience both the comfort of heaven and discomfort of heaven.
On Sunday episode, when Sallu was interacting with the housemates, he surprised all when he compared Shilpa Agnihotri with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. After Salman and Aishwarya broke-up, the superstar hardly spoke in public about Ash or mouthed her name but the last Sunday episode turned to be an exceptional. After several years, Ash spoke in the national TV about his ex-flame Aishwarya Rai who is married to Abhishek Bachchan.
He told Shilpa, “you look a lot like Aishwarya” but quickly added Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. He then turned to Shilpa’s husband Apoorva Agnihotri and said whether he had paid Shilpa the same compliment ever and asked if he had married Shilpa for the very reason, Apoorva said he too feels the same. Besieged with the compliment, Shilpa thanked Salman.
Salman didn’t stop pulling legs of the other contestants as well and entertained them with his jokes and one-liner. The episode was fun-filled.
‘Bigg Boss 7’ aired on Colors started with 16 contestants of which three contestants already voted out. Inspired from the concept of Hollywood popular reality show, Bigg Brother, ‘Bigg Boss’ running successfully on Colors. Basically controversial celebrities from various walks of life are selected for the show.
For three months, the contestants will be locked inside the house and they will be under the surveillance of cameras installed in the house. The concept of this season is hell and heaven where the housemates with experience both the comfort of heaven and discomfort of heaven.
Bollywood actress Preity Zinta, who is very active on social networking site Twitter, wants to reach out to a large numbers of fans.
As a result the actress recently joined another social networking site Facebook. But apparently Preity Zinta's plea was rejected by Facebook. And reason, well read it for yourself.
Preity Zinta, who was last seen in her home production 'Ishqk in Paris', then asked her fans to suggest names for her Facebook page.
Preity said: "Since I cannot call my self Me or PZ on FB any suggestion on what to call my FB Page ?"
Meanwhile the actress has also joined Bollywood peers like Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Neil Nitin Mukesh, etc on Instagram, a social networking site to share photos and videos.
Preity tweets: "4 all of U who are asking my Username on Istagram is RealPz :-) Ting !"
However the actress is thoroughly confused and is in need of help. She said: 'Ok.. Managed 2join instagram today but besides loading a photo I'm kinda stuck. What else can I do on it ? Share videos ?Any advise folks ?" She added: "So u follow people on Instagram like twitter ?"
As a result the actress recently joined another social networking site Facebook. But apparently Preity Zinta's plea was rejected by Facebook. And reason, well read it for yourself.
Preity Zinta, who was last seen in her home production 'Ishqk in Paris', then asked her fans to suggest names for her Facebook page.
Preity said: "Since I cannot call my self Me or PZ on FB any suggestion on what to call my FB Page ?"
Meanwhile the actress has also joined Bollywood peers like Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Neil Nitin Mukesh, etc on Instagram, a social networking site to share photos and videos.
Preity tweets: "4 all of U who are asking my Username on Istagram is RealPz :-) Ting !"
However the actress is thoroughly confused and is in need of help. She said: 'Ok.. Managed 2join instagram today but besides loading a photo I'm kinda stuck. What else can I do on it ? Share videos ?Any advise folks ?" She added: "So u follow people on Instagram like twitter ?"
October 07, 2013
Actor Salmam Khan, who is busy shooting for his film “Jai Ho”,(जय हो) has managed to take out time to create awareness of the Women Empowerment” “Girl Child, programme, and says if he ever has a child, he wishes it should be a girl.
“If I ever have a child.. Insh’allah I will… I wish its a girl. I want a girl child,” Salman told IANS at the press conference of the social cause.
Salman Khan is supporting the cause along with Miss Universe Olivia Culpo and Sanjana Jon who is in India for 10 days for the awareness programme.
Salman asks how can you kill the child even before its birth.
“How can you kill a child even before its birth… Its not about awareness, its about your mentality. If you kill the girl child, eventually there will be no mothers and sisters and guys will have no women to marry. Women play a huge role in our lives.”
The actor further revealed he is glad that he has two sisters who are taking care of his parents better than any of them.
“Women are ruling today… how can they be a burden. In my family I have two sisters and they takes care of my parents more than any of us. I am glad I have two sisters.”
“If I ever have a child.. Insh’allah I will… I wish its a girl. I want a girl child,” Salman told IANS at the press conference of the social cause.
Salman Khan is supporting the cause along with Miss Universe Olivia Culpo and Sanjana Jon who is in India for 10 days for the awareness programme.
Salman asks how can you kill the child even before its birth.
“How can you kill a child even before its birth… Its not about awareness, its about your mentality. If you kill the girl child, eventually there will be no mothers and sisters and guys will have no women to marry. Women play a huge role in our lives.”
The actor further revealed he is glad that he has two sisters who are taking care of his parents better than any of them.
“Women are ruling today… how can they be a burden. In my family I have two sisters and they takes care of my parents more than any of us. I am glad I have two sisters.”